Chapter Fourty-Three

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His touch

His lips are soft against mine. Surprised at first kisses he soon kisses back closing the door behind him. Walking in I don't dare detach my lips off his.

Wrapping my arms around his neck I pull him closer to me trying to deepen the kiss. Running my finger through his hair he I hear a small frustration groan from his lips. Lifting me off the ground his hand cup my butt as he carries me to the couch.

Images of Chris begins to resurface and I shake my head begging for them to go away. Laying on the couch with my hair sprawled everywhere he straddles on top of me running his cold fingers against my skin.

Opening my mouth a little I feel his wet tongue slide into my mouth uncomfortably roaming around. Tightening my eyes I try to enjoy myself. I try to get Chris out of my head and I try to want Adam.

Like I want Chris

Breaking out of the kiss we both breath heavily trying to catch our breaths. Biting down on my lip I slowly move up and sit back onto the couch. Adam also lifts himself off me and stares at me with a wide smile.

"What happened to taking it slow?" He raises and eyes brows as he readjusts his shirt. Fixing my hair I give him a smirk before shuffling my way next to him. Planting a deep kiss onto his small red lips.

"I realised how much I missed you," I lie holding his hand in my clutch. Biting his lips he draws circles on my skin. Flinching at his cold touch I grab his hand and intertwine it with mine.

"I want you," I spoke out. I watch as Adams' mouth grows into a wide smile. Pulling me over towards him he kisses me gently on my mouth.

As we walked into the school grounds, I look over to Adam who's hand was in mine. Giving me a reassuring smile he plants a small kiss on my nose before dragging me into the courtyard.

Today was Wednesday the day Chris came back to school. I haven't even talked or seen him since Saturday, but that didn't stop him from popping into my mind every so often.

But instead of shaking it off I would look over to Adam and kiss him, which would make any worry about Chris and his stupid words disappear.

For at least until he pops in my head again.

Readjusting my hand inside Adams I try to find a comfortable position, looking down at out hands and back up at me his eyes brows raise watching me as I try to wriggle my hand to different Positions.

"You okay?" He asks, stopping with the wriggling I look up to him and nod. Finally finding the spot that felt right.

"You know if it's that uncomfortable we can just not hold hands," he states which causes my head to shake.

"No! I want to hold hand with you, I'm just ensuring me have maximum hand touching." Laughing at my comment we get greeted by my group of friends.

I remember telling the rest of them about Adam, I remember the happiness in Vilde eyes and the scanning and examinations of Sana. Chris even told him to spin around in front of her, checking him out before looking over at me with approval.

Eva's was different though, I saw a glimmer of disappointment mixed in with some confusion and a little bit of annoyance. Ignoring her I was pretty happy with the group's reaction.

"Hi! " I chirped a little too loud, I think it was my nerves getting a hold of me. For some reason, my stomach keeps turning at the thought of Chris coming back, with all that was said on Saturday I shouldn't care. Just like he said he doesn't.

Sitting on a bench I shuffle making a little space for Adam who was making awkward conversation with Sana.

Letting my eyes roam around the courtyard I watch as people walk in shoving their hand in their pockets being greeted by their group of friends. I watch as the wind blows gently causing the leaves from the tree to move slowly with the air. Glancing at the ground I look at the small specks of frost stuck to the gravelled ground. With a couple of wet patches where rain had gathered from overnight, I watch as people go out of their way to avoid them.

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