Chapter Fifty-Two

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My eye lids flutter open softly to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. Moaning in annoyance I turn to move my body slowly turning it towards the source of the sound. Pressing hard against the stop button of my alarm clock I lay flat on my back gazing up at my ceiling.

Today is a new day I repeat to myself needing the extra encouragement to tackle on the day. Closing my eyes I try to erase all of the events that happened yesterday and focus on my goals today.

That being just makes it through today without thinking or mentioning him.

My mouth widens as I feel a yawn come out. I slept pretty well last night. By the end of the day, I was so emotionally drained I feel right to sleep. Letting my legs stretch I lift my arm to wake them up from the 10-hour sleep they had.

Holding my neck I feel a discomfort when I try to move my it side to side. It was as though I had pulled a muscle of some sort maybe when I was sleeping or when Adam was kissing it. Strolling over to my bathroom I try to get a better look at it ensuring I didn't do anything too bad.

As I flick the light the room brightened. Stepping in front of the mirror my eyes widen when I see the large mark that was left on my neck.

Stretching my neck to the left I see large purple and blue bruise looking thing on the soft spots of skin that Adam was sucking last night. Trying to touch it I couldn't help but flinch in pain as my fingers grazed against the bruised skin.

 Trying to touch it I couldn't help but flinch in pain as my fingers grazed against the bruised skin

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Adam gave me damn hickeys.

and not just one small one in a place I would be able to hide it. No three large ones on my neck visible for the world to see.

Exhaling in annoyance I look at my neck again in the mirror. I look like I've been shot with a paintball in my neck 3 times. Groaning I look around the bathroom for my mum's makeup or anything else that could to hide them.

Pulling out each draw I finally find my mums foundation and concealer. Tipping a lot on the palm of my hand I grab some tissue paper and dab it on my neck softly.

Flinching each time I come in contact with my skin I finally cover some of it. My mother and I have different shades of skin. Her skin is a little darker than mine. So I'm unsure what worst. The 3 bruises on my neck or the 3 dark circles painted on to cover them.

Walking into the school building I get weird stares by other students walking by when they notice my large multi coloured scarf I have placed around my neck. Usually, I would hate the stares I'd be receiving from the people, but today I find it relieving knowing they are staring only at my scarf and not the attack looking wounds on my neck.

"Grete!" I hear a voice in the distance yell my name as I walk turning I see Noora, Chris, Eva and Vilde waving over at Sanas locker. Smiling I make my way toward them trying hard to keep my scarf in place.

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