Chapter Thirty-Six

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Sweatpants and over sized shirts

My eyes flutter open slowly to the sounds of birds singing their songs in harmony. Moving a little to try to get back asleep I feel the stiffness of the hard ground under me. Groaning I lift my arm out of the cover to let my body stretch before opening my eyes to start my day.

Letting my arm out of the warmth of my bed covers was a wrong idea because as it left my arm it soon shivered in the cold breeze that hit it.

Rubbing my eyes I watch as my vision becomes clear. Instead of seeing the distressed dresser next to my bedside table I see a wooden wharf and trees covering the lake that was stretched out covering the land.

Beside me I felt a warm breath against my skin. Snoring away under the two blankets that lay upon us. Smiling I glance down at myself remembering the beautiful night I had.

As I was about to move out of the blankets I felt a grip of an arm around my waist holding me. Looking down I realise that the arm belonged to the sleeping Chris. Not wanting to wake him I slowly peel myself from his grip. There were three blankets that were around us. One under us and two over both of our bodies.

It must have been very warm considering that it's the middle of winter and I didn't once wake up last night.

Getting up I stretch my body. Letting my muscles wake up from the stiff night I had. Inhaling a deep breath in I let the fresh air of the mellows fill my lungs. I know that his place will definitely be one of my favourites.

Looking down at my phone which was less than 10% I realise that I received a text message from Eva.

Eva: where r u?

Widening my eyes I look at the time at the top of my phone.


It's a Tuesday morning and schools on. I begin to panic and kneel down to Chris and shake his sluggish body.

"Chris! Chris!" My hands on his upper arm shaking him. "Chris goddamit wake up!" I yell this time.

"Mmmm" he moans still closing his eyes shut. I exhale a deep breath out and continue to try waking him up.

"Chris it's 10:49" I tell him.

"So?" His deep morning voice ask

"10:49 am! On a Tuesday morning!" I yell and his eyes snap open realising what I just realised.

Getting up quickly he stretched his body, I focus my eyes at the sandy grounds trying hard to look at his muscles.

Chris then grabs the blankets and shoves them aggressively into the bag while I run to the rocks and gather out wet clothes that did not dry overnight like we hoped.

Running toward me him we searched around the shore in case we had forgotten anything and made our way towards the forest. Just as I was about to enter the darkness of the trees I look back at the lake one last time.

I'll never forget.

The car ride felt short. I'm not sure if it's because Chris was going over the speed limit or if I was falling back asleep for half of it.

Chris now and then tried to repeat to me that it's okay and who cares if I miss 3 hours of school, but I cared. It isn't like me missing classes or missing school or missing anything for that matter.

Finally, when we got to the school gates Chris parked his car in the spot where I meet him yesterday. It must be a designated spot that that allows him to ensure that he, no matter what day it is he has to park. How he got that. I wouldn't know.

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