Chapter Seventeen

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Cat fight

The warm sensation of the sun beams as it shines against my soft cheeks causes a small smile upon my lips. I throw my hands in my pockets, trying to warm them. Even though the weather is starting to brighten up, the temperature is still freezing.

I walk into school with Eva on my side, as we walk in I can't help but to notice the cold stares we are receiving from everyone.

I glance down at the ground feeling a sudden flush throughout my body, the peering eyes staring over at us causes me to bite my lip hard. I watch the dirty concert ground pass under me as Eva and I make our way towards our group.

With my bottom lip still in between my teeth I glance up when we get closer towards the girls. Eva has a wide smile on her face, while the other girls look worried and annoyed.

"What up?" Eva asked looking over at the eyes surrounding us. Noora presses her lips together forming a thin line. I revert my eyes over to Sana who is showing her expressionless face look a little more disappointed than normal,

"They found out who Chris hooked up with" Sana snaps which causes Eva's eyes to widen.
I feel a rush of worry flood my body. If that information is out have they found out who the girl he left is?

Nervously I run my fingers through my hair. "So.. um did they find out who he left with?" I ask and they shake their head, I feel my body temperature fall as I let out a sigh of relief.

"So who did he hook up with?" I ask intruged by the mystery girl.

Suddenly with a blink of an eye I see Iben tap Eva's shoulders. As she turns I  watch as her hand fly through the air and land hard on Eva's face.

A loud smack sound fill my ears the hand presses hard against Eva's face. Screams fill the air as the girls attempt to rip each other off one another. 

I stand there watching as the chaos unfolds. Noora, Sana and Chris try go in between Iben and Eva but fail as Iben friends begin to aggressively push them away.

With a thick amount of hair in Iben grip she begins to tug Eva's long red strands. The screams continue but this time louder. I watch as two 3rd years come running towards the fight.

My eyes switch from person to person watching as they try hurt each other. But I stand still freezing in my spot. Chris is trying to block the other girls away while Noora is trying to rip them off each other, Sana is yelling at another girl and Vilde is the one making most of the screaming sounds

. I on the other hand is out of the mess, I stand frozen feeling anxiety fill my body. I feel as of i'm 7 again seeing my parents fight.

My brain moves millions of miles per second unsure why there even is a fight in the first place.

Soon the realisation kicks in. I widen my eyes and let out a loud gasp.

The mystery girl.

It was Eva.

I sit on the Wooden chair staring at the marbled floor under me. Unable to speak I hear the principal door creak open and watch as one of Ibens friend, Saran walk out hugging herself.

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