Chapter Twenty Nine

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Night in

Under the grey thick clouds blew icy fresh air. My body shakes under the layers of wool and cotton. Carefully I make my steps small trying not to fall on the frozen pebbles under me. I hide under my scarf letting the wind only hit as little skin as possible.

My house is a 45-minute walk home from school. Which helps on days when my car won't start because I forgot to turn off the lights. So I venture on regretting my decision of walking to school and back. Forgetting how harsh the winter weather for Norwegian can be.

With my headphones in I nod to the tune of the song, I must say besides the cold winds and the slippery paths, it is a beautiful walk home. The blankets of frost covering the trees cause a smile from my face. I'm at peace alone as  I walk.

Passing the cafe that I regularly visit I stop as I see someone familiar in my path. Narrowing my eyes to get a better view I scan his features .He is tall and slender, with rough cheek bones and black slick back hair. Widening my eyes I soon realise who it is. It is the guy who Chris was going to fight before I interrupted, the same one I saw get into his car in the Halloween party. He steps in front of me and my heart skips a beat. Chewing on my bottom teeth I try to make my way around him. Failing he follows me.

"Excuse me," I whisper in my scarf and he gives me a side smirk. Gulping I begin to worry, I don't want any trouble.

"You're Chris's girl aye?" I shake my head, Iben made it very clear that she was or never will be.

"No, we're just um...." I utter not exactly knowing what we are, We aren't exactly friends seeing that we argue every 10 minutes, but he knows the intimate detail of my life I've never shared, knowing I can trust him.

"We're friends," I mutter staring at the ground avoiding eye contact. His body moves closer to me and I flinch.

"We'll tell him he needs to see me sometime."His deep voice fills the air around me, With that, he turns his body and makes his way across the road. I frozen in my spot and let questions fill my head. Why does he want Chris? is he in trouble. This question then leads to others that have kept unanswered like why were they fighting that day?

All these run through my head, As I hear the roaring zoom of his engine zooming past I snap back into reality.

The rest of the walk home all I could think of is the mysterious guy who always seems to be ready to find Chris. I couldn't concentrate crossing the road without feeling the chills of his breath against mine. As I creak the door open The warmth of the air defrost me. Unravelling my scarf I hear a rattling coming from the hallway.  Scared that it might be the dark headed guy from the cafe I slowly tiptoe my way towards the hall making my steps and quiet as possible.

Biting the inner of my cheek I get closer and closer to the hallway to reveal my mother who is on the floor with a half a bottle of gin in her hand. I exhale a deep breath and crouch down to her level. Peeling the bottle out of her hands I place it next to me.

I'm honestly not surprised she's wasted at 4:30 in the afternoon. It's actually pretty late for her considering its usually as soon as she wakes up is when she opts for a shot of an alcoholic beverage instead of coffee.

"Mum?' I utter getting as close as I can without getting the stench of vomit and gin on me. Her hair is knotty and she is still wearing last night's dress. Exhaling I realise she didn't go to work today. She going to get fired and she is going to have to look for another job. It was her last straw and she, like always disappoints everyone.

"Mmm," she mumbles. I lift her heavy body up and lean it against the wall. Dribble runs down the sides of her mouth and I clean it with my sleeve.

She gives me a weak smile and her eyes are half open. "You're a good child." I can just hear her inbetween her drunken snores. Smiling at her I fetch her a cold glass of water and force it down her. It was easier than last time because this time she thought it was the gin she had been hugging, which only made her more inclined on having it.

"Mum lets get you to bed." I sigh as I lift her from the ground and throw her arm around me for support. She doesn't make this easy she is reluctant to walk so I am basically dragging her to the bedroom. Laying her softly on her bed it creaks as her weight is slowly distributed on. Placing a blanket on her I find her vomit bucket and leave it next to her bed to be safe.

I walk out of her room and close the door. Pressing my lips together I shake my head in disappointment. I know my father is the reason for this, I know that this is her way of coping with the pain and with him gone. I just wish she would grieve like everyone else. Instead of hurting us the way he hurt me.

I begin to cook dinner, chopping up vegetables I make sure to make more than I need just in case my mother wakes up, or if Vilde decides to come, But knowing my mother she won't remember and be fast sleep until the next day.

listening to music loudly I dance shoving the ingredients in a pan and letting them cook. My mothers bedroom is the furtherest room from the kitchen, I think it's because when she takes guys home she doesn't want me to hear her scream, for joy that is. So with that and her sleeping heavily under the influence, I am almost certain she won't wake up.

The night is already dark, I watch as the stars glow in the inky sky. Grabbing my laptop and a bowl of hot pasta I sit on the couch doing some homework.

Beeping of my phone distracts me and I check my notification and see a snapchats from Eva. Smiling I see that her and the others are having a good time and wish I was there, I also giggle when I see Sana's face being turned into a bee. Looking at the clock I am surprised when I read 11:45pm. I can't believe I have been typing for 3 hours and didn't even stop for a toilet break. Getting up I stretch letting the blood flow move nicely around my body. Yawning I slumped back down onto the couch putting my laptop back on my legs. This time watching funny youtube videos of cats.

Laughing at the fact one of the jumped to another couch and fell hitting the ground but safely on its feet I hear a knock on my door. Placing my laptop down I slowly getting up. Vilde texted me shes not coming so who could be knocking at my door at 11 at the night?

Tucking my hair behind my ears I bite my lip down. I turn on the outside light and look through the little widow that is near the door. Scanning my eyes out i see a tall figure lean against the door frame. Pushing the curtain that covers the widow out of the way to get a better view my eyebrows stitch together surprised by who I see.

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