Chapter Fourty- Two

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Gulping I let my small hand clench and knock against the large door of Chris's house. I notice that the Range Rover was gone from the car park which was good because I wanted to talk to Chris alone.

I wanted to tell him everything, to assure him that Adam is nothing to me and tell him that I care about him.

But just as I was about to spill my heart out the door opens revealing a woman who definitely wasn't Chris. Although had Chris's features.

"Oh hi Mrs Schistad, is Chris home?" I utter a little off guard as I thought that they would had left already.

"Please darling call me Lily, and he's away with his father, but you're welcome to come in. I'm cooking some food." She politely says which causes a wide smile to grow on my face. She's much calmer and happier now that she isn't yelling at Chris.

"Sure," I chirp as I enter her home.

The rooms smelt different, like burnt meat and vegetables. Following the smell, she lead us to the kitchen as I widen my understanding where the burnt smell is coming from.

"I'm not a good cook, but I thought since I'm not home often I should try." She says trying to defend the horror that was In front of me. On the counter was a black over fried chicken inside on top of a plate with just as burnt looking vegetables.

"It's fine if you want I can help you," I say which causes a smile on her lips. Walking towards the kitchen she walks to one of her draws and grabs a pink polka dot apron. Pressing my lips together trying not to laugh I thank her and tie the apron around me.

I grab a stainless steel knife that looks far too expensive and begins to chop the smaller than usual vegetables on the marble chopping board.

"The vegetables are organic that's why there so small," she explains and I nod as I start the cut the abnormal carrots.

"So how do you know my son?" She asks as she begins to break the chicken to try savour at bits that aren't completely burnt.

Not leaving my eyes off the chopping board just in case I cut myself I begin to answer Lily's question.

"We sit together in biology," I say knowing that wasn't the first time we meet. My mind wonders off remembering the first encounter we had in the bar. When I thought I was going Vilde good and he thought I was going to hook up with him.

"Ah, now I know why he's getting better marks in that class than the others." Widening my eyes I was surprised to hear that. I guess he does do more work when I sit with him. Mainly because I tell him to shut up and do it.

"So are you guys just friends or study buddies or?" I shake my head wondering if Lily knows Chris has a girlfriend.

"I'm his friend." I politely reply and she nods he head a bit surprised by that fact.

"You must be very special to him, he's never introduced us to any of his girls who are his friends, not even his girlfriend. Iben I think it is." Grabbing a handful of the chopped carrots I place them into a glass bowl Lily had set out for me.

To be fair I don't think Chris had many girls who are strictly just his friends. Still, I glance up at Lily trying to hide the surprised look I had on my face. I wonder why he's never introduced Iben to his parents. I do understand It would be awkward telling them every time they've broken up to only tell them that they are back together.

"So what is Chris and Mr Schistad doing out?" I asked,

"Well Chris came in late last night drunk and so they're out to grab his car, He was so upset. Not sure why because if anything, we should have been upset with him" Gulping I couldn't help but feel a little guilty for Chris's late and drunk arrival last night.

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