Chapter Two

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The day was cold and crisp, my finger tips were hard,
I feel a small stinging feeling as I move them in the freezing air of Norway. Shoving my hands in my pocket, I try to defrost them as I walk into the school grounds with Eva who is holding hands with Jonas. I couldn't imagine doing right now because it's freezing and my hands are too cold. I look over to Isak and give him a small smile as he walks next to me.

"Don't you enjoy third and forth wheeling a couple Isak? It brings me joy" I sarcastically point out as we walk into the building.

"Yes it's really fun, especially when they make out right in front of you" he also adds and we both laugh.

Entering the build I feel my body temperature rise again, I take my hands out of my pocket and rub them against each other.

Jonas and Eva turns towards Isak and I and laugh. "Hey don't be jealous of our relationship," Eva says as she pokes her tongue out and I do the same back.

As we get to platform between the next set of stairs they unlatch their fingers and we stop to regroup and talk. Here is a window that looks out towards the court yard where you can see all the students meet and come into the school.

"You two should get together" Jonas says which causes us simultaneously look at each other with disgust.

"It would be like dating my sister" he says and I nod. It's true, Isak and I have known eac hother since 4th grade, and I couldn't date him. Like he said, it would be like dating my brother.

"Besides I heard from many sources that she's a terrible kisser" My lips part and I widen my mouth. Playfully I hit him in the chest. His body then curls up as he feels the pain.

"Oww" he whines and I give him a fake wide smile.

I've only ever kissed one guy and was my ex boyfriend Adam, we were together for about 1 year then but then he moved to England last year. I was heart broken at the time. He got up and left leaving me shattered.

"For your information Adam loved kissing me" I say and we all Laugh.

As we were laughing a blonde girl and Girl Chris that I recognise walked down the stairs. The last time I saw them was last week at the party  and to be honest I don't really want to see her because our interaction was so embarrassing i'd rather spear the flooding emotions.

As they got to the platform that we were standing on Chris and her walked towards me. With widen eyes I look over to Eva that was smiling.

Right after everything went down that night I told her everything. She thought it's  hilarious and that I should have hooked up with that Chris guy. That I had mixed up, but that was the last thing i wanted to do.

"Hi!" The blonde one says and I bite my lip giving her a polite small wave.

"Hi" I say back

"Thanks for last night." her voice is genuine and I smile over to her a little surprised that she came up to me to thank me.

"I can't remember if I introduced myself properly. I was a little out of it. I'm Vilde" she says. I guess now I can put a name to her face instead of calling her blonde girl I embarrassed myself in front of.

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