Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Grete POV

My heart fell as I hear his footsteps become more distant. He didn't care about the attention. I could tell By the way his eyes soften when it met mine he wanted something else.

But inside I was begging him not to. Not in front of all these people. Not after what happened a week ago. Walking back to our seat I try to act normal even though I know I've gained stares from people all around the room. anticipating my next move.

These last couple of weeks I've been feeling like the main source of entertainment. People wanting to see the next move.

Fixing my hair out of my face I inhale knowing that everyone wanting a reaction out of me, but that's not what I'm going to give them.

I'm not going to fuel them with anything that they can use to make up another story. I just want everyone to mind their own business.

I could tell the girls got the hint thankfully. I didn't want to have to tell them it would just make it more awkward than it already is.

Vilde broke the ice by speaking up.

"So.... let's come up with some things we could do to raise money for our bus." She continues on and the girls sigh at the fact that we are talking about economics.

"What? I think we really need to be talking about this if we want a bus." She points out causing even more sighed from the group.

Suddenly I hear a familiar annoying high pitch voice speak out.

"What Grete? You're not going to run out crying like last time?" Rolling my eyes I turn my attention to Iben.

"I thought you and Chris would be all over each other now that everything's out in the open." People begin to listen in causing her to feel more powerful by the minute. Sighing by the fact that Iben can't just let it go I stand up from my chair.

Surprising both everyone and myself. My body towards Iben I look at her with pity. If it's attention she wants. It's attention she'll get.

"Why?" I stared at her blankly with widen eyes and a furrowed eyebrow.

I knew exactly why. I 'took' her boyfriend.

The person who once cared about nothing and no one but his ego and reputation. In her mind, I changed him and force him to fall in love with me.

I know that she believes that this was all my fault that they weren't talking as much.

Maybe it was. Maybe in her story I am the villain.

It was my fault I got to meet his parents before her, and it was my fault he could love someone that wasn't himself.

But I wanted to hear it from her. I wanted all the ears that were listening in realize that though everything has already broken out. That I have already been embarrassed in front of everyone. She has nothing better than to watch me break.

I have felt so much these past week. From anxiousness embarrassment, pain, love, guilt. That I am done. That I no longer have it in me to try keep everyone around me happy. I want her to leave me alone

"You know why" Her annoying voice spat looking around at all the people who were staring at us. Her mouth lifted into a small amusing smile. She lived for the attention, this is exactly what she wanted a crowd to listen to her.

I scoffed at her stupid comment. Looking back at me her eyebrows stitch together.

"Let's face it. Your whole schooling experience has been about getting attention and approval from other people." My voice full of anger I began taking steps closer towards her wanting her to feel as small as I did.

"So when I came along you couldn't stand that I was just some girl who didn't talk and only spoke when needed too. You hated it when I began to get the attention from someone you have been trying so hard to keep up and impress." Rolling her eyes she keeps her eyes away from mine not wanting to meet them.

"I just feel sorry for you at this point. " my voice is clear and loud. I felt this confidence build up inside me as I spat those truthful words.

"Please, don't act like you're not loving the attention ." She says trying to get a reaction from me but I just stare at her blankly.

"I can promise you. Not nearly as much as you are." I smile whilst turning around leaving Iben standing alone.

Walking away I feel this flush of confidence come over me. I'm not going to lie, this is a nice change from the embarrassing feeling im use to feel. I wasn't crying. I wasn't feeling anxious I was just letting myself walk out of the cafeteria feeling nothing but satisfaction.

Swinging open the doors of the canteen I enter the dark halls. In the distance I see a figure facing towards the wall debating whether to punch it or not. Stepping close wanting to know if that person is okay I come to a halt as my eyes meet with Chris's. The distress in his eyes causes a shiver down my spine. Biting my bottom lip I force myself to not care even though everything inside of me is wanting to go over there and talk.

"Grete." His voice surprised I stand still my muscles fall asleep. It was taking everything I could to try to move and even then I still couldn't get away.

So instead I embrace it. Walking closer I draw in deep breaths telling myself I can do it.

His eyes grew wider with every step I take. He didn't bother to move but instead, watch me as I make my way towards him.

"Grete I- " I cut his voice off wanting to be the one to talk.

"No Chris, you're not the one that gets to talk. Just listen." and that's what he did. Closing his lips together he looks at me waiting for what I have to say.

Stopping just inches away from hi. Everything I've wanted to ever say began to build up and the confidence I felt in the cafeteria grew.

"You're right," I say which causes his eyes to fill with confusion.

"I'm am?" He asks and I pause him again wanting to speak.

"You're right I do want you and I'm not lie to you. I'm trying my best to not just let you back in and instead stand here and just talk. "

The halls echoed with my voice. With nothing but Chris and I under a small dull light that shines against our skin. I don't know where everyone is and I frankly don't care. I just needed to be here in front of Chris.

"But I've given you so many chances and each time I've ended up hurt. " it was true. I've come to his house when his parents were there to clear things up. I've come to see him the day after we kissed yet he pushed me away and I'm over it.

I force myself to not let out a tear not wanting to feel weak in front of him.

"I can't keep getting hurt because you don't know how to love." My voice hitches and I stop to regathering myself. Gulping I stare deep into his eyes seeing the small sparkle that I first noticed so long ago.

He stood there silent as I spoke taking each word in and letting them sink. I needed him to hear this.

"So if you really do love me, you will let me go." I finally say. My heart ached and my legs felt like they were going to give in.

Finally, a tear broke through the wall I tried so hard to build. I felt the coldness of it as it ran down my hot check before making a loud sound when it came in contact with the floor.

Glancing over to him I notice how his eyes glisten with a small watery sheet. I could tell a tear was fighting its way through the cold eyes that were his eyes, but Chris wouldn't dare let it. His breathing becomes slow because with each breath it hurt him more and more. His lips became thin as they press together fighting so hard not to say anything.

Turning around brought the most painful ache. It was as though I am waking away without an important piece of Me.

And he had it in his grip. He held my heart that was slowly beating.

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