Chapter Fifty-Six

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The decision that changed it all

4 Months Ago

Finally, entering the class I scan the room. The sound of chatter and yelling is heard, everyone is either talking to their friends about the latest gossip or is to engulfed in their phones. I glance over to see if Mrs Petterson is at the front, but as I look for her presents, it is not seen. Explains the amount of noise in the room.

Turning towards the front of the classroom I gulp as I realise that all the seats are taken. Carefully scanning table to see if there is a spare seat next to them I sigh realising what spare seats are Left and who they are next to.

Glancing over the right of the room next to the windows I see a spare seat next to Chris, the guy I meet in the club the other night. He is engaged in a conversation, talking to some of the penetrator's guys behind him. Laughing about something that is on their phone.

The other seat that is left is next to Hugo. Don't get me wrong I love Hugo as a person, He's a little funny and not a fuck boy. But he stinks, literally.

I'm unsure if it's just him who can't smell it, or if he enjoys smelling like a public toilet. But either way, I'm not too keen on sitting next to him.

But on the other side of the room lies a fuck boy, Who probably does smell nice on the outside but inside, from what I have heard, is an asshole.

But I'm happy to give him the benefit of the doubt and not judge him until I know him.

Whats the worst that can happen?

Inhaling a deep breath in, I quickly make my way over to Hugo, deciding to sit with him even if that means a lingering smell of toilet after the class is done.

"Is anyone sitting there?" I ask pointing at the spear seat next to him. Looking up at me with surprise he glances down realising I am talking to him. Kindly pushing the seat back for me to fit in he gives me a toothless smile.

"Don't see why not." Smiling back I couldn't help but feel like I made the right choice choosing to sit next to Hugo. As I take my seat I watch as the last kid in the class walks in and stops in his tracks as he stares down at me then to Hugo with widening eyes. Biting my lip I stand back up releasing that Hugo intentionally saved this seat for his friend.

flinching at the hand that was gripping my arm stopping me from leaving I stare down at Hugo. "No it's okay, There's a spear seat near the front next to that Christoffer guy. He can sit there," he says with a reassuring smile. Nodding back I slowly make my way down to my seat and tuck it in so my small figure could reach the desk.

Pulling out my pens and text book I open my binder and write the date today then waited patiently for the teacher to arrive. As I do so my eyes glance over to that Christoffer guy in the front imaging what would've happened if I choose to sit with him instead. Watching as he puts his phone down he doesn't bother to take any books or pens out he just sits there smirking over to his friends that were behind him.

Shaking my head I turn my attention else where happy of my choice with Hugo. Glancing over to him I watch as he takes out his laptop and opens up notes also putting in a date on the top. Turning his head towards me he gives me a smile as he notices I was already staring at him. Quickly changing my attention somewhere else I try to hide the redness in my cheeks.

"Are you ok?" Slowly changing my attention towards him I nod trying my best not to look so guilty. But from his toothless smile, I could tell he already knew I was embarrassed.

Finally, just in the nick of time the teacher walks in, the room and begins to quieten down. She starts her class by apologizing for her lateness and then explaining why she is late for the first class of the year.

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