Chapter Twenty Six

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Grete's POV

Time flew by quickly, I'm not sure how long we were in the storage room for but all I know is that when we got out and into the halls they are flooded with rushing students once again. I fix up my knotted hair and try to wipe my face of any moisture. I can tell I look distressed but the reassuring look that Chris gives me makes me feel a little better . Turning our separate ways without another word we continue on our day.

As I walk through the halls I hand my head low not wanting to gather any attention from any of the students. For some reason, I'm unsure if I am just over thinking it or not but I think some students are staring at me whilst whispering with their friends.

Breathing in and I out try my hardest to ignore the stares, scared that another attack with come on.

I for some reason feel okay after telling Chris, I've never told anyone that story, it's memories I try to push down and forget, not exactly something I want everyone to know. Sometimes it gets too hard. The flash backs feel like I'm reliving the situation again and all I want to do is yell and scream.

I've gone to the doctors about the anxiety, that's when I got diagnosed but my doctor doesn't know about everything that happened. I don't know if i'm ready to get help, let alone tell people. I'm scared that if I do people will look at me differently. Pity me.

I don't know what made me feel safe enough to tell Chris. Maybe it was the fact he was there in the moment. I don't know, I just knew I could trust he wouldn't look at me differently.

In the distance I see my red binder being kicked around on the marble floor. Walking over to it I bend down to lift it off the floor. The pages inside were still intact but they were now new foot marks tattooed on the front.

Brushing off the dust and dirt I take hold it close to my embracing it in a hug. Inhaling I breathe the air around me I close my eyes to try to regain myself

Walking to the court yard I notice eyes on me. all staring at me with different sorts of expressions. Some annoyed, some jealous some confused. What have I done? I try to pace my panic. Walking up to the girls they stop talking and turn their undivided attention to me.

Vilde raises her eyebrow. "So when were you going to tell us you and penetrator Chris were hooking up?"

My mouth feels as though it fell to the floor and shattered. What? Confusion begins to paint my face and I look around the group who were intrigued to what I'm about to say.

"Sorry?" I ask wondering If maybe I heard wrong. What does she mean hooking up? We have never hooked up before.

Vilde rolls her eyes before standing up next to me. I take a step back as she continuous to talk.

"You and Christoffer? People saw you guys come out of the storage room together, they said you looked all flustered and Chris was putting his jacket back on"

My eyes grew, I didn't dare to blink. Trembling I start to stutter. They don't know the half of it. I can't believe how fast this got around the school and how wrong everyone has it. Of course I can't even tell them what really happened because that would mean revealing something so personal about me.

"That never happened" I croaked Chris laughs and hands Sana what looked like €171 krone.

"I told you she didn't." With my eyebrows knitter together I watch as Sana take the money with a smug look. You're not serious! Did they make a bet on it?

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