Chapter Three

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Party Our Way To The Top

The room was silent, we all looked at each other awkwardly as no one dare to make the first move. I shuffle In my seat, attempting to do something to fill the silence. I chew my bottom lip and watch as each girl stares each other, wondering what each of us are thinking.

The meeting was held at Eva house after I finally convinced her to join. It was originally going to be held at Vilde's, but she had something going on. We were also able to get 2 other girls joining. Noora from the party and Sana.

"We have a really big advantage over other bus groups. I've already sold a lot of toilet paper" Vilde chimes in as she grabs the cupcakes and offers them to everyone.

I politely decline her and she places it on the wooden table and takes a seat on Eva's couch.

"Vilde manage to sell toilet paper for 40,000 kroner with a credit card for another bus" Chris explains while unwrapping the cupcake paper and taking a bite of her cupcake.

Vilde looks at her with her eyebrow raised and slowly Chris's voice fades out as she stops talking.

"Anyways, we're left with a profit of 60,000 kroner. According to the budget, well will need 50,000 next to the toilet paper sales." She says as she hands out a piece of paper with all our sales on it. As I get handed the white piece of paper I read everything that she was saying out loud.

As I read it Sana clears her voice which gets the attention of all of us. She shuffles her body more into the chair and begins to talk.

"Is there something wrong?" Vilde ask.

"Were wasting our time on toilet paper, it's not enough" she explains.

"But it's important to have -" Vilde explains but Sana interrupts her.

My head goes back and forth as they both bicker at each other. No one dares to chime in and fight against them.

"Listen, we're losers at school. If we don't want to end up in a loser car, we need a strategy" I wrinkle my nose, I don't like labelling people.

Even so, I believe we shouldn't be judged on our label we are given but on our personality.

But then again I do agree that I don't think selling toilet paper will buy us even the cheapest bus, we do need some other way.

"We aren't losers of the school." Vilde spits

"Wasn't it you who was thrown out of another bus?" My eyebrows lift as this new information is being thrown around. I did not know that.

"Not really thrown out" Vilde try's to explain herself but Chris interrupts by saying she actually was.

Which causes a dark glare  from Vilde. I shuffle in my seat uncomfortably . I don't like conflict and right now I feel like world war three is going to occur.

"Listen Vilde, I know it's hard to Acknowledge that we're losers, but we are." Sana harshly says.

"Ok well what do you want us to do?" Vilde ask and we all lean in to hear, interested on what Sana's big plan is.

Sana licks the bottom of her lips and begins to Lean in to tell us what we need to do.

"First, we need to get more girls, cool girls" I again press my lip together as I hear the label 'cool'

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