Chapter Seven

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Giving in

I grip my text book as we walk up the hard cold stairs, chewing the insides of my cheek I glance over to Eva trying to get back into the conversation that we were having.

It's Monday morning and my eyes can barely stay open, last night I stayed up passed midnight trying to finish off the novel report. Slowly I lift up my right hand that was tightly gripped around my coffee and take a slow deep gulp, letting the caffeine run though my veins to give me that kick I need.

"So I never asked, but why were you and penetrator Chris in the room together?" the intrieged in her voice indicated that she expect a much more interesting story.

To bad it's nothing of the sort. I was sitting there and he came in hooking up with another girl.

I look over to her and watch as her eyes fill with excitement as I am about to tell her that exact story.

scrunching my nose together showing off the small wrinkles I shake my head,
"What ever you are thinking, I promise you, It's the complete opposite. " I laugh and she sighs not believing me.

"You're alone in a room with penetrator Chris, something had to have happened." She teases and I roll my eyes.

"Something did happened, well almost. But not with me. I was in the room already and he walked in making out with this girl. Once they notice I was in there, he told her to get out. Then  we were talking." I explain

"Talking huh?" She nudges me lightly. I sigh as she only listened to the last part of the story.

"Christoffer and I will never happen." I say as we finally get to the floor with my locker on it. I feel my feet drag on the cool marbled floor as we stroll through the echoed halls.

As we get to my locker I attempt to open it feel Eva body next to me while she leans against the cold metal of the lockers next to me.

"Okay fine, besides he has a girlfriend" she points out which causes my eyebrows to stitch together. This is news to me. I've never heard anything about girlfriend nor has he mentioned her in class.

I put my text books into my locker stacking them one by one on top of each other. I then glance down at my bag to see my pills. I reach down and grip onto them. Reverting my attention back up and at Eva I try to distract her so she won't notice what I'm about to put into my locker.

No ones knows about how bad my anxiety is and how i regularly take anti anxiety pills to help them. I'm worried that people will think of be differently so to save from the conversation I just keep them to myself.

"So are you and Jonas okay?" I ask knowing that they going through some difficult patches right now.

Her eyes revert down with sadness, she runs her hand though her hair and I can tell she is thinking about him. From the dullness in her eyes I can feel the change in mood indicating that they're not okay. Her lips form into a small slither attempting to smile back at me.

"Yeah" she's says quietly. I shake my head knowing she's lying to me.

Just before I could call her up on in Jonas appear behind her. I look at him blankly a little annoyed at that he had to have appear at the worst time. His eyes quickly glance over my way. I've never been good at hiding my emotions as I watch as his eyebrows stitch together.

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