Chapter Sixty - Four

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Don't go

Dropping my bag in the hall way I hear a small thud as it hits the hard floor. I keep my eyes forward scared that if I look back I might see him. My eyes blur with water I blink trying my hardest to clear my vision.

I feel my legs move fast. Speeding up the pace as the door become closer and closer. Seeing him there sitting made my heart thump hard against my chest. I felt as though I cannot breath seeing him sits in those seats. Those seats where it all began. Where the mocking, the distraction, the destruction all started.

I can't pretend that it's nothing to me, I can't pretend that I didn't stay awake all weekend thinking about him. About her, about us.

Not caring about anything expect getting out of the closing walls behind me,  I push the heavy doors open letting the cold air consume me. I step outside and see small snowflakes falling. I don't know where I'm going but what I do know is I'm am not going to sit in that biology class as he sits next to me.

"Grete." My body does not move, even if I tired I cannot walk run or hide. As I hear that familiar deep voice yell my name I am hopeless.

No longer hearing the sound of small crunch that my feet make as it hits the frosted ground. My ears instead fill with the sound of his voice as he says my name.  It's been so long since I've heard him say my name. I close my eyes once more letting the snowflakes fall on my head and the tear fall down my cheek.

His strong but gentle grip turns me around and I am now facing him. With his breath against my cold skin. He looks at me with his hazel eyes piercing holes into my sole.

I shake my head again and step back. Knowing that if I get to close I will not be able to control myself. My thoughts hit me at the spread of light. I have so many question to ask him.

"How could you?" I shout and he stands away from me with confusion. His lips part and he doesn't say a word waiting for me to speak. I continue on letting my anger fill me. Though it is cold outside With the ground slowly filling with layers of snow I am heated up with the pain Chris has left me.

"You sit there and act like nothing happen. Like it doesn't hurts. Like the past 10 months was nothing to you." I don't break eye contact scared that if I do I will never be able to look at the beautiful hazel I have fallen for.

"You leave for one month and then come back to my life like nothing has happen. I was doing fine when you left. I was able to breath I was able to smile I was able to think." A tear rolls down my eyes as I speak to him for the first time in so long.

He stands there letting the small dust of snow land on his brown locks. Not bothered by the cold or the fact that we are outside the school grounds.

"And now you're back I'm at square one again Chris. I can't breath, I can't think. I don't know what to do with myself." I no long sound angry but exhausted. Pleading to him for help.

His jaw clenched as those words escape my lips. I watch as he turns around coldly heading towards the car park and my heart begins to break again. My eyes widen and my heart that is already heavy begins to skink lower into my body.

"Where are you going?" I yell angry and confused. He turns ever so slightly. Enough for me to know that the grey clouds have resurfaced.

"You were doing better while I was gone. So I'm leaving." He spat  and I shake my head with tears falling down my face at a faster rate. I don't know what I'd do to myself if he left again. I can't let him go. I step closer to him.

"Don't go." I say more of a whisper. Enough for him to stop in his track. I feel my heart beat out of my chest.

"Why?" His voice boomed.

"Because - because" I stutter

"Because I'm in love with you Chris" I shout letting those words echo shaking the hard stone walls of our school. The world began to stop spinning. As if it was giving Chris and I some time. I watch as his body hardens. His jaw flinches and he doesn't move wondering if he heard right.

I finally let my emotion take full control of me. Admitting to him and myself, my true feelings.

I spill out everything I've tried so hard to keep away. Letting it resurface and take a hold of me.

"I love you." I whisper softly. It is true. I do love him. I didn't want to admit it at first because of how much hurt that word can cause, but i can't help but feel a sort of relief letting it out and letting it be heard.

His eyes meet with mine. The grey has disappeared and I notice the sparkle is shinning brighter than I've ever seen before. He steps closer toward me and my breathing becomes steady again.

I stand still watching as his body moves inches and inches closer. Tears still strolling down my face I gently wipe them away. Snow flakes fall landing on his hair. I watch as a couple get stuck and other melt at his skin.

Just how I am when he touches me. Breathing in and out slowly I don't dare to move. I watch as his eyes, now soft, stare back at mine and his gaze does not leave mine only to glance down at my rosie frozen lips. He is finally close enough to where I can feel his warm breath against my skin.

I feel a rush that only Chris can cause fill me. lips only inches away from mine. His scent causes shivers down my spine.

His hand holds my cheek and I crumble at his touch our noses touch and finally I close my eyes and feel his lips collide with mine. Everything in my body lights up again.

 Everything in my body lights up again

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The world begins to spin and my body feels as though it could collapses at any second, but it would be okay because Chris is right here to catch me

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The world begins to spin and my body feels as though it could collapses at any second, but it would be okay because Chris is right here to catch me. He is gentle this time. As if he wants to enjoy ever part of me. I can't help but smile against the kiss knowing this is exactly where I need to be right now, with exactly who I need to be. I feel my heart race again but for a different reason.

I wrap my arms around Chris's neck deepening the kiss needing every bit of him. I didn't know how much my body craves him. How much I needed this and how much I needed chris.

I don't let go of him scared that If I do I might lose him again. Parting my lips slowly I feel his tongue slip into mine. His taste is something I will never get enough of. So addictive like my own personal heroin.

Chris is my drug and I'm an addict.

Finally our lips part and I stare deeply into his beautiful eyes. A smile still placed on my lips I bite them down.

"I love you too."


Finally ❤️

I'm am at lost of words. Writing this book has made me so happy and seeing everyone enjoying makes me even happier.

I really hope you enjoyed reading collide ❤️

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