Chapter Fifty-Three

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Avoiding her

Christoffers POV

"I'd like to change out of one of my class," I ask over the bench that stands between me and the old woman typing into the box computer.

Her hands stop moving and she narrows her eyes slowly swinging her chair my direction.

Today is not the day to be moving at a rate that snails. Glaring at me over the bend I could already feel the judgmental stare she was going to give me as this conversation continues.

"And what class might that be?" She croaked.

Sighing a loud sigh I look over to her with a blank expression. I watch as her badly drawn on eyebrow raises causing more wrinkles to appear on here pale forehead.  Her thin lips over coated with make red lip stuff that go way over her natural lips line. A piece of jewellery sparkles as I stare at her. Turning my attention to the large diamond on her finger I gag at the thought that someone would want to marry her.

"Biology with Mrs. Paterson." Turning back to the desk she begins to slowly type into the computer. Tapping my foot impatiently. I understood why people hated coming to the front office. It was because it takes this woman years to get one fucking sentence out. Glancing across he room I desperately try find anyone who might look younger than Fifty who could possibly help me.

I give out an annoyed grunt when I see no one that looks anywhere near their 30's.

The tapping of my foot becomes more louder and I try destruct myself from the annoyance that was rapidly growing. My eyes fall down at my wrist watch as I slowly become impatient.

"Why do you want to change?" Her mouth moved ever so lightly. I watch as a small droplet of saliva falls out of her mouth and over to. my jacket. Clenching my jaw I look away.

Why does it matter why? It's none of her business. All she needs to know is I want to get as far as possible from biology as I can.

"It's difficult and I want an easier class." I lie knowing my grades have gotten significantly better because of her.

"It says here that you've been getting B's and even some A's" her voice raises sounding a bit surprised. I glance down looking silently swearing to myself not realising that she can look them up.

"Please, I just don't want to be in that class anymore." My voice beginning to sound desperate. I heard a shuffling coming from my left I watch as the office lady attention change from me to the somewhere else.

Turning my body to the person who is distracting the old lady from my attention I see a familiar blonde haired girl. She's one of her friends Vilde.

Giving her a small smile I looking back over to the front giving out a scilent grunt knowing she probably saw me beg to this woman how much I need to be out of biology.

As they talk for a little bit I see the time on my phone. When it read 7:45 I sighing knowing I've been here for half an hour and haven't achieved anything.

Whenever I coming to school I try to come in as late as I possibly can and some days I don't even come in at all, that's unless we have biology. But today when I set up 8 alarms to ensure I wake up before the sun rises. Just so I will be here early to change out of the one class I did come to school for, and the annoying old office lady won't do it.

How ironic.

Finally when Vilde is finished talking to the teacher about her mothers mental Health I try again. Is it really that difficult to tap on the computer and switch biology to some other class? I wouldn't even mind taking home economics. Just anything that will get me away from her.

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