Chapter Sixty

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Weeks went by and not once did I see him. He wasn't in his usual car park he wasn't even with his friends.

He was gone.

It was hard at first. Not seeing him, it was as if a part of me was missing and disappeared. But as I enter my 14th biology class without him I didn't feel so empty. I just placed a smile on my face and clung on to my binder to ignore the dispear I felt.

It was my decision to end things even though nothing really started, but I didn't know if I had dodge a bullet or made the wrong choice, but either way what is done is done and I have no choice but to live with it.

Sliding myself into the seat I greet Lovisa who was tapping on her phone  to pass time. Looking up at me she lets out a sigh of relief happy that I'm finally here.

"Good you're here." She says which makes me believe that she wanted to say something.

Taking out my heavy binder that now has a lot of written notes in it I try to flip to a page that is free knowing that it almost at its capacity of refill paper.

"Is everything all right?" I asked staring at her hoping that nothing too bad has happened.

Turning her phone back on she shows me a Facebook event that has popped on her phone. Looking over my eyes widen when I see the penetrators banner as the header.

Gulping before I begin to read and I try my hardest to ignore the pain in my heart I began to feel.

"They're having an Auction on Saturday." Stitching my eyebrows I look over at her a bit confused.

"What are they bidding off?" I ask looking back over to my clean-lined page writing the date on the top right-hand corner.

"Their kisses. " my heart suddenly feels heavy stopping the pink to mark the paper any more I turn my head towards Lovisa confused.

"What?" I say still not understanding the whole reason behind this.

Handing me the phone again I read it properly this time. Not letting my eyes be put off by the banner and how it reminds me of him.

Widening my eyes I realise how true this is.

My stomach laid on Eva bed looking at the phone not believing what I'm seeing. I hear the screeching of the coat hangers as she pushes each clothes to the side deciding she' want to keep them.

"How about this?" Noora asks pulling out a plain black top with a small embroid banana on the right boob that she never wears.

"No, I like that top." She says snatching it out of Nooras hand and placing back into her closet.

"These are for Syrian refugees." Noora points out and I join the conversation stating that Eva never wears the top anyways.

"Fine." She says defeated throwing on the pile of clothes layer on the bed. Almost hitting me I brush it off continuing to stare at my phone.

"Stop staring at the event it isn't going to change." Snapping my head towards Eva I roll my eyes turning my attention back to the penetrator's event.

"I can't believe they ruined a cabin that will cost three hundred thousand kroner to fix when there is a Syrian Crises." Noora spits in disgust jumping into the spot next to me causing me to shake a little almost losing grip of the phone.

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