Chapter Fourteen

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I stand still not daring to even move a finger wondering what he meant. We? As in me and him?

I am unsure if he has realise but we didn't exactly leave on the best of notes, I'm sure i'd be the last person he wants to spend his time with.

He pushes pass my causing my shoulder to move back. Turning I watch his tall figure slowly disappears from my sight as it goes deeper and deeper into the darkness.

Without thinking I run towards him.

"What do you mean we?" I ask finally catching up. I throw my hands into my pocket. The cold air was beginning to freeze my hands causing them to sting.

"Do you have a car?" He ask and I nod my head slowly.

"Great lets go" he snaps. I stop in my tracks wondering if this is a good idea? Where would I possibly going with him? He could benefit a drive to the therapy office, but their obviously closed right now. Christoffers body still radiating heat I can tell he is not himself right now I think it's best if he stays and thinks it all out.

I get distracted by my train of thought as I hear a voice call out my name, glancing up I watch as Chris stands a couple of metres away from me, impatient he raises and eyebrow.

I glance through the window back at the party, I watch how oblivious everyone is. To consumed in their own thoughts that they didn't even notice that's the host of the the party is outside aggressively destroying objects.

Turning around to Christoffer I begin to walk towards my car. As we get there I take out my metal keys out of my back pocket and insert my keys into the key hole unlocking all the doors.

Glancing over to Chris whose eyes are still as dark as the night sky, we hop into the car.

I turn the key to start the car letting the roar of the engine fill the silents. I turn my body and pull my seat belt over my chest ensuring I hear the distinctive click sound. Assuming Chris would do the same I wait for a couple of seconds. Seconds go by and he is just staring into the darkness watching as the  silhouettes in the front of his house dance to the loud muffled music.

Turning back towards me our glances connect and he raises an eyebrow.

"What?" He ask

"I'm not going until you put on your seat belt" he stares at me blankly, giving me a 'are you serious?' Look.

Running my tongue along the bottoms of my lips I wait for Christoffer to oblige to my rules. My fingertips run slowly up and down against the leather steering wheeling feeling the cold material against my soft skin. Staring back at Chris I hear a sigh as he gives in.

"Fine" he pulls the seat belt over his muscular body and finally I hear the sound of the seat belt click as it becomes if you Secure. I believe safety first.

I drive through the gloomy dark night. I watch as his skin illuminates as we past lamp post. The roads are like expected are very empty the only thing that was heard is the dreadful noise of our own thoughts.

No one dares to say anything, letting the silence speak for itself. Now and then Chris's cold eyes would meet mine which causes him to bite softly on his bottom lip then reverting his eyes down.

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