Chapter Thirty-One

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looking after

The dark night glows rays against my skin. I wait anxiously outside the door waiting for someone to open it. Shivering I soon regret not taking a jumper with me. I must have been too flustered and worried about Vilde that I left the house without bringing anything or making sure my mother's okay.

What happens if she wakes up in the middle of the night and needs something, or she's wondering where I am. I don't want her in her state looking for me in the streets, but who am I kidding I know damn too well that she won't care if I'm gone. She won't even notice.

I hear the door slowly creak open, a streak of light shines until finally, I see Eva on the other side.

"Grete, thank god.... and Chris?" I forgot Chris was here, looking behind me I watch as he gives Eva an awkward wave and smile. Turning my attention back to Eva I too begin to give her an awkward half smile.

"She's not doing to well, she's completely gone and we can't take her to the hospital." My heart beats faster as I hear her say that, gulping I turn around and bite my lip.

"Thanks Chris for the ride, umm. I'll see you." His smile so small I almost don't notice it. It was his way of saying goodbye. I watch as he walks down the driveway and out of sight. Exhaling I turn to Eva and press my lips together.

I walk in the room, the other girl's eyes glanced at me for as second, but all I notice was the pale slumped body that was Vilde. Her eyes were closed and she lays unconscious in Sana's arms.

I sit on the side of the bed next to Noora and run my finger through her soft blonde hair. Why has she done this to herself, I really hope she'll be okay.

Suddenly she sits herself up and begins to vomit all over Sana.

Nothing but chunks of small food and water come out. Sana closes her eyes as the liquid sprays on her. I look at the other girls and all I could do was laugh. Suddenly laughter filled the room. We all looked over to Sana who was surprisingly laughing herself.

It was a nice feeling, having us all together. All happy, even though one of us is passed out projectile vomiting.

As Sana grabs the glass of water that was placed on Eva's bedside table she tries to get Vilde drink. I smile at the thought that Sana, even though it seems like she doesn't care, she'd do anything for us. Even if that means letting us vomit on her while she pats our backs.

Gently Sana places Vilde who is now fast asleep on Eva's pillows. Peeling herself off the bed she asks Eva if she could borrow some clothes and have a shower.

We all watch Vilde peacefully on the bed. Smiling I can tell that she is going to get better and that tomorrow she'll be okay. I meanshe'll have a raging headache but for the most part alive.

Chris gets under the blanket with her and lies next to her as she snores. I cringe a little knowing that there might be some vomit still on the bed but it's nice that Chris doesn't seem to care.

I hear the door creak and my eyes look back, Sana stands there under the light smiling at all of us. I couldn't help but smile back at her admiring the beauty that she is.

All gathering around Eva's bed we all slowly drift asleep. Tonight taught me something. It showcased our love for one another, it shows how together we stronger. How together I know I can trust and rely on them. I'm happy I joined this Russ bus.

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