Chapter Sixty-One

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Resurfaced feelings 

I'm going to be in, then out. I walk straight up to Eva don't make eye contact with anyone else and  head straight out. No more than 5 minutes. I keep repeating to myself as I park across from the club that the auction/charity is held.

For a charity thats meant to send 20% off proceeds tonSyria there seems to be a lot of flashing lights and drunk people stumbling out from the club. Honestly this is such a bad excuse for another party. If the penetrators wanted an excuse to kiss other girls they should have just held a normal party they would gotten the same if not more people to make out with.

The familiar smell of strong vodka fills the room I am forced to squint my eyes trying to see through the flashing lights. As the song ends I hear a guy over a live speaker talk.

"Dylan Olsen he's a beautiful guy dark black hair. Can make any girl smile. Any takers girls? Well start the bid at 1500 Krone"  my eyes roll as I hear girls shouting numbers . The prices soon increases and Dylan is sold out to Annette  a girl year above us for 1900 Krone.

"Hey I thought you weren't coming !" I turn to meet eyes win Lovisa. Wearing a black mid light body con dress. It's different seeing her out of school. She looks beautiful under the light.

"Neither did I, I'm only here for a key then I'm off." I reply shouting over the music.

"So you're not here to bid and contribute help to the crisis in Syria?" I laugh at the sarcasm in her voice. The last thing I would do is bid on one of these guys. Not that I can even afford t anyways.

"Unfortunately I forgot my wallet at home." I shrug and we both laugh. I continue to scan through the room trying to find Eva. When she texted me last was 12 minutes ago. She said she was near he bar with vilde.

"So you going to do any bidding tonight?" I ask and Lovisa nods her head. "How else am I suppose to get a boyfriend" both laughing now I see a flash of red hair from my prival vision.
Wishing Lovisa luck on her mission I walk towards the red hair.

"Eva?" I try say loud enough. She turns her body and I sigh in relief. "Omg Grete ! You made it!" She giggles and I can tell she's a little bit tipsy already.

I am forced into an embrace with her and I can't help brbsmile knowing that she's having a good time but also know that when she comes home I'll be holding her hair back as she throws up into the toilet.

Pulling out of the hug I am then also greeted by vilde. "Grete!!" She also giggles and I'm am now In a three way hug by both of these girls.

"What happened to not agreeing to this because it 'basically prostitution'" vilde says exsadurate the word prostitution in my voice and I can't help but giggle.

"It still is, but I'm just here to grab te key off you Eva." I say now talking to Eva. I watch as her eyes widen as if she remembers what I am talking about. Eva begins to pat down her body trying to find the key.

"Oh yes yes. That is somewhere?" She says and I can't help but let out a soft sigh. Hoping to God she did not lose it.

"Ah that's right I put it in my purse. And Noora is somewhere holding it for me. Come with me." I nod grabbing onto her hand, Following her through the crowd of people gathering as close as possible to the stage for the next bid. This person but be a popular penetrator because trying to get out of that crowd  is like being at a mosh pit for Justin Biebers concert.

We finally get to Noora who is sitting looking almost as bored as me staring off at the distant. When she notices I'm here her expression changes and her eyes light up.

"Grete I'm so glad you're here. I'm about to die of boredom." I lean in to give her a light hug but ruin her hopes when I tell her I'm leaving right after Eva gives me her house keys.

"I can give you a ride home if you want?" I ask but to my suprise she shakes her head.

"No it's okay. I think I might just stay. Hey I'll be back do you think you could stay with Eva's bag for me?" She says when she sees William in the distant.

Confused she leaves before I can even agree and Eva squeal of joy when she finds her keys in the mess of her bag. "Thank you!" I mouth to her before she gets dragged off by someone to keep on drinking.

Standing awkwardly I wait besides Eva's bag. I wonder why Noora got  so weird after she saw William and more importantly when is she coming back. My five minute trip that I strategically planned in my head is turning more into a half an hour plan-

My train of thought are cut off when a hard body bangs into me. The familiar smells causes my body to react like it always does and I see the goose bumps form on my skin.

"Chris." I say more of a whisper as my our eyes lock on each other. He looks just as beautiful as I remember he does. With him being gone so long I have almost forgot how even the sound of his name makes me feel.

I haven't exactly forgotten I've forced myself to throw the thought of  him into the deepest pits of my mind, and  taking everything to not let him resurface.

Biting my lip I fix myself up and stand tall pretending that this pass 3 weeks have not been hell for me.

His jaw flinches as his eyes scan my body and with that he leave with nothing else said.

My heart drops to the floor. He's keeping to his promise. He's letting me go. But fuck is it hurting more than I can bare.

I stand there still looking at the ground. Trying my hardest to not look fazed.

"So next up ladies is a fan favourite. An experienced penetrator. Not only does he have good looks but boy does he know how to make you scream for joy. Can you give it up for my boy. Christoffer schistad!"

My eyes shoot up to the guy who once told me he was in love with me, and is now up there basically as an object to be bought.

The large group of girl screams as Chris walks up on stage. He gives them a small smile and a short wave not looking like he wants to be there at all.

"Well start the bidding at 2500 Krone. Do we have any taker?" My eyes widen. What girl is so out of her mind that she'd actaully spend that much to-

"2600" my mouth drops.
"2700" "2800" "2900"my heart beats faster as the number increases and I get angrier with the thought of another girls lips on Chris's. 20% of the proceeds got to Syria. I constantly try tell myself.

"Sold to Girl at the back for 3100 Krone" I finally hear and I begin to boil. First who has 3100 Krone to spend in the first place and why is Chris contributing to this... this ... this prostitution.

My eyes scan the crowd of the girl to see which one bought Chris. Biting on my lip I ask myself which one of these girls used daddys credit card to land a kiss with the Chris.

My body freezes and my eye brows furrow.



Hey guys I know it's been such a long time since I've uploaded a chapter. and I'm sorry if these chapters don't live up to the wait but I hope you enjoy I've got more to come! Trust me you'll want to keep on reading

I've honestly been so busy A lot has happen in my family life and have been just trying to adapted and get back to doing thinks I love. And adjust to my new schedule and for a little bit I had writers block but I re watched the OG skam and a few of the remakes and it made me so inspired!!

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