Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Under my skin

Christoffers POV

Sucking in a deep drag of my cigarette I throw it to the ground with annoyance. It's not working like it used to, but to be fair nothing has been working. I haven't been calm in the past week. Every time I think I've found my peace her face begin to push through my thought creeping in, and I fucking hate it.

The way her body stood helplessly in front of all those people. I could tell she was about to have one of her attacks but all I could do was stand there and watch her.

Watching her being taken away by her little group of friends killed me. I did this to her. I am the causes of all this attention. She's not like other girls who thrive off it. She's something different. She gets her excitement from watching other people smile, or from being with people she loves. She doesn't want to be the center of attention and that's all I could give her.

I haven't seen her since and it's been driving me crazy. I didn't know how my much my body needed her. Shes like my drug. Stronger than the ones I've ever taken.

And I an addicted to her.

Today was not the best of days. Especially for a Monday. The sun was trying its best to shines it rays but the Grey clouds win a the battle letting out a kid on grey atmospheric condition. Standing in silence I hear the annoying bird chirp. I wanted nothing more than to grab the little stones under my shoe and hit them but because right now im in the bad books with pops I knew if I miss and hit a car I'll be dead for sure.

Finally regathering myself enough to step into the school grounds I walk in already 45 minutes late. The halls were empty, which was to be expected since everyone is in their class taking a hold of their education.

But I wanted nothing more than to go to the bars and drink until my mind becomes numb. Maybe bring home a girl or two. But I haven't done that in months.

Ever since I meet her. For this past couple of months, she has been slowly getting under my skin until she finally did. For those months I hated it, I hated caring for someone other than myself. I hated the happy feeling I would get when she walked in the room. It was annoying basing all my decision on what she might have thought, and I hated the way I picked up on all the little things she did. I knew I had Iben. But I never really wanted her. Not as much as I wanted Grete.

That's when I finally embraced it. I finally realized  and wasn't my mind playing sick games on me. Instead, it was my heart.

I fell in love with her.

I've never said those words before. Not once to anyone. Not even my parents. So when I finally said it to her and she turned me away I was hurt. It was painful to see the one person you care about to choose someone else over you.

But as promised I left her alone. For a whole 15 hours before I saw those fucking hickeys.

My fingers begin to tingle and my face begins to heat with just the thought of those fucking things. I was beyond pissed. I didn't want to imagine what they were doing prior to receive them. The thought of her finger grasping on her soft sheets with pleasure as he gives them to her makes my mind go wild. So I had to say something.

And because of my stupid fucking jealously that's when everything blew up. I shouldn't have said anything and Iben wouldn't have told the world of something only Grete and her shared.

Snapping out of my own head I hear the bell ring and soon came the student. Some dared to stare at me but most wouldn't. Knowing that I would say something if they did.

Walking to my locker I hear from the whispers that were surrounding me that's she was back.

I couldn't help my feel my heart race again. As the blood pumped through me I had one mission and one mission only.

To see her.

Ignoring the dirty look I was gaining from twats that wouldn't move fast enough I make my way to the cafeteria knowing that it's too cold to be outside so they are most likely here for lunch.

Scanning the busy building I can't seem to find her. Glancing over to the line I would never wait in, but instead, push in front I see her. Her hair in one of those braidy things at the back of her head all messily done up. Her jeans were slightly ripped and she wore an over jumper that was 2x her size. But she looks beautiful.

As I make my way towards her I feel a hard body hit against me. Stumbling back a little I was so close to letting it go but the person has some sort of bone to pick with me.

"Chris!" I see Kelvin smirk my way. Pressing my lips together I widening my eyes as my way of saying hello. Not wanting to waste a breath on him but instead, use it all on her.

Peering up I look just in case she was had left the line. Letting out a small smile I see she is still in the line listening to whatever Eva was saying.

Kelvin turns behind him and his mouth moves into a wide smile grinning over at her. Trying to keep my temper I watch as he gives me a wink.

"So it's true, two girls at a time. Personally, I wouldn't have gone for the blonde one." He cooed taking about Grete. Clenching my jaw my eyes darken.

"Why her? There as so many smoking girls at our school. I bet it was a petty fuck aye." he winks and suddenly everything becomes red. Heat begins to fill me and I grab Kelvin's shirt and pin him against the greasy walls behind me.

Breathing heavy breaths out of my nostrils I stare holes into his eyes. I hear his body hit the wall and I see him wince in pain.

"Don't fucking talk about her again." My face inches to his as I spat. His pathetic little head nods as I let him go let him run off to his friends.

Turning behind me I see everyone frozen. The conversation has stopped and the cafeteria grew silent. Watching my every move. Ignoring my stare off at the distance to see her.

Her soft eyes staring innocently at me. I could feel her pain from here, I watch as her chest rises and falls and by the way way she's looking at me I could tell trying to calm down.

Loosening my hand that was balled into a fist I scan over at everyone whos eyes were directed at my direction. I know too well that they are enjoying this. Any story that will be mixed up and again blamed on Grete.

So I had to do what I do best. Leave.

Turning around I swing the doors open walking myself out. I knew everyone eyes were following me. But I couldn't talk to her right now not with the whole cafeteria listening in. I just know she would hate it and i owe her at least that.

Walking into the halls that's when I saw him.

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