Chapter Twenty One

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The loud music rings in my ear, my heart begins to pump at the beat of the music and I watch as the flashing lights change colour. Uncomfortably I stand pressed against dancing people as they rub their bodies against mine. The room is dark with the only light being the flashing ones that moves with the beat of the music.

Biting down on my bottom lip I try my hardest to get away from the intoxicated people and hopefully into some free space. Finally pushing pass the last person I feel the atmosphere become less stuffy and more airy.

Biting down on my lip I look down at my phone waiting for a text from Vilde. I am here alone right now and the only other person that is coming tonight is Vilde.

Everyone else had things to do and I wouldn't have come either but Vilde couldn't come to these things alone and I am the one who got us invited. So for her safety I decided to join her.

Looking up I let my eyes roam the room, trying to find someone here I know. Only other person besides Vilde who is already 15 mins late is Thomas. I watch as people skull down a alcoholic beverage in one corner of the house. In the other I see bouncing bodies moving to the loud beat of the music. To engulfed in the music to worry about their own problems.

My eyes meet with brown hazel one. Smiling I wave over to Thomas. He smile backs and begins to walk my way. Making a little space next to me I greet him.

"Hi" my hand waves as he moves to stand next to me. I notice his outfit. Black jeans and a white plain top. He holds a red solo cup that I assume is filled with some sort of alcohol beverage.

"I'm glad you came. For a second there I didn't think you'd flake." He shouts over the music. I really debated it. After my heated argument with Christoffer a couple of days ago it did make me wonder why he was so adamant for me to not go. I don't know Thomas to well but in the 1 hour of talking to him he's already significantly less of a head ache Christoffers been.

"How you finding the party?" He ask and I bite my lip looking at the grey musky carpet.

"It's good." I lied knowing that I've only been here for 20 minutes and I already want to go home.

I glance down at my phone one last time to see if any text from Vilde has come through yet. To my despair I see nothing on my phone screen expect the lock screen photo of me and my sister when we were little.

Thomas must have noticed my sadness as he stared back at me with stitched eyebrows.

"You waiting for someone?" He ask.

"Oh yeah, Vilde. She said she was coming but hasn't text me back" I utter looking down at my phone again.

"Well In the mean time would you like to dance?" He offered and I shake my head vigorously.

"I can't dance," he laughs as he shakes his head. Besides the silly dancing in my room I really cant follow a beat.

"Everyone can dance, its whether they're good or not, is the real question" I laugh and bite down on my bottom lip nervously.

"Well I'm definitely not." I laugh. I scan my eyes along the room looking over at the sweaty bodies that are dancing to the music. As I scan my eyes I notice brown chocolate hair with light blonde streaks running through it. Narrowing my eyes, my lips slightly part knowing exactly who the owner of the familiar hair is.

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