Chapter Fourty-Five

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Does he know

"A number of times she spat on me in that lesson I swear to god I was about to die," Vilde cursed as we walk to our next class. Laughing I watch as she wipes her clothes of any possible spit that may have landed on her.

"You know they say a teacher's spit gives good luck," Chris takes her lolly pop out of her mouth to say. I bite my lip trying to keep my laughter to myself.

"Who says that Chris? Who?" Playing along I stitch my eyebrows together.

"What you've never heard about that? They say it gives you good grades," rolling her eyes she exhales,

"You guys aren't isn't funny, I don't want to be sick for Chris's party?" Widening my eyes I look over to Chris who looks back at me weirdly.

"No not me, penetrator Chris." My eyes widen even more. I knew His Birthday was coming up, but what I didn't know was that he was going to have a party.

"Yeah apparently its going to be amazing, a proper DJ, strobe lights and everything. I'm surprised this is news to you, aren't you guys close?"

Biting my lip I stare at the dusty floor not knowing how to answer that. He didn't tell me he was having a party but to the fair, we haven't talked much. Not that I wanted to go. The thought of another party causes me to shake. Remembering what happened at the last party I went too. Gulping I shift my weight to my other foot. I haven't seen him yet around the school or biology but I don't hope to see him anytime soon.

"I didn't know anything about it." Shaking it off Vilde while trying to comfort me.

"Well, He probably hasn't been able to talk to you about it," smiling I nod pretending to agree with her.

Walking into biology I sigh when I see Chris already sitting in his seat. Looking straight at me with a smug smirk on his face I am tempted to swap seats with somebody.

Standing in the front of the class I stare off into the distance hoping that there's going to be a spare seat somewhere. Anywhere. Just not with him. I watch as people's face lights up as their friends come in and take a seat next to them. Sometimes doing a weird handshake thing or just a simple hello.

Sighing I see that all the seats that I could possibly take are filled. Leaving me to be seated with the one and only Chris.

Defeated I make my way towards him and drop my bag leaving it next to the table. Taking my stuff out I don't hear a peep out of Chris. He just sits there watching me as I organise my books and pens. Probably judging the way I am neatly placing the pens ensuring they don't roll down and fall on the ground.

Mrs Patterson greets us all with a warm smile before slamming her heavy looking bag down on her chair causing an accidental loud thump echo the room. Apologising she grabs the chalk and begins to write what our topic is on Today.

Opening my book I grab my pen and begin to write notes. As I do so I hear the consistent sound of tapping as people write on their laptops.

Just out of the corner of my eyes I see Chris eyes looking in my direction. Unsure if he is looking at me or something behind me I continue to write notes ignoring whatever thought about him that crosses my mind.

The teacher goes on talking about diffusion of cells and I begin to finally understand what she's talking about. These last couple of months I've been falling a little behind. Not understanding what's been taught. But I think finally without being distracted by the anyone, I am getting it.

I watch as she walks around handing pieces of paper with information about it. Scribbling on it I draw annotations for my future self later.

As I hear the bell ring I jump in surprised not even realising how fast this one hour went. With the amount of information I learnt today I felt the similar feeling I usually feel.

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