Chapter Twelve

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Halloween Party

I shuffle my butt against the cold wooden seat trying to get myself comfortable. The bright beams shine against my soft skin and I break out a little smile. Happy that even through the cold wintery months the sun is able to shine its bright rays.

"I will soon see William again, I think we have something special going on." Vilde mutter in the background.

On Friday night after our escape out of Eva's house she left with William and slept with him like she promise. She seems really happy to herself that her first time was with William and explains, because she was a little tipsy it didn't hurt as much as she thought it did.

I guess it wasn't an awful idea after all and in her case it all worked out.

Noora nods her head as she listens to Vilde but I'm at to busy watching Eva stare off into the distance. Shes been so empty lately not taking no part of conversions as much. I know something is on her mind and I have to remind myself later, when we aren't around the others to ask if she is okay.

I glance following the direction her eyes are looking and notice she was staring off at Jonas.

I bite my lip and gaze at her with sympathy. She notices my expression and exhales a deep long breath, knowing that I know something is up with her.

She looks down at her phone as it buzzes. Opening her it she reads the message that obviously came from Jonas.

"Did I tell you I orgasm?" Vilde says excitedly and I turn my attention back at her.

"How was it?" Noora asked and Vilde hugs herself with her hands and she smile remembering the memory as it flashes back through her mind.

"It was good, a bit like a sneeze, just down there" I bite my lip raising an eyebrow. That's one way of explaining an orgasm I suppose.

"A sneeze?" I ask and she nods her head. I've never heard an orgasm being explained as a sneeze, but I guess people can feel it different ways? I would just hope it feel better than a sneeze.

"Mm-hmm" she smiles and I let a small laugh.

Vilde then leans in closer which causes me and Noora to lean in with her As if she was about to say something top secret.

"Now I know why girls orgasm with William" I look over to Noora who is playfully rolling her eyes at Vilde.

"It's because he's really big" I bite my lip trying not to let out another laugh out. I'm unsure why I'm finding this funny but I guess it's how naive Vilde is.

"Vilde, firstly, size doesn't have anything to do with orgasms. And secondly, just because guys are fools, doesn't mean we have to be as well." Noora utter and I nod my head agreeing.

It's true what Noora is saying, just because guys as are stupid doesn't mean we have to give in and do what they ask. I can't imagine William being any better than another penetrator.

"Whatever" Vilde sneers. Glancing at the concrete floor playing with her feet. I bite my lip feeling bad that we are basically trying to convince her why William was a bad idea.

"But it was good then? That what's most important and you were safe." I say trying to cheer her up and lift the mood.

She bites her lip down. Kicking the gravel under her feet she swings her body.

"You did use a condom didn't you?" I ask becoming more unsure by her reaction. She shakes her head and I let out a deep sigh running my fingers though my hair.

Noora widens her eyes looking just as surprised and annoyed as I was. How could she not use protection. Who knows what STI's William has. Not only that, I really hope that she isn't pregnant.

"He said he doesn't tend to use one." I almost try to force myself to not roll my eyes but even couldn't help it. Biting down on my lip down hard I really try my hardest not to yell but I guess I have to get over it because what's done is done.

As I gaze my eyes up I watch as Sana and Chris braid through people with hard helmets on their head, while riding a two wheeled Machine commonly known as a hover board.

My lips part as I hear Eva swear in the background.  They ride their hover boards zig zagging in and out of people, Chris claps Everyone hands as they pass her.

With a wide a smile on her face, and a expressionless one on Sana's. They ride their boards closer and closer towards us. With them finally coming to a halt right in front of us I notice more and more eyes looking over in our direction. Biting my lip I gaze my eyes down not wanting to be noticed.

"Where did you get that from?" Vilda snares.
"Toilet paper money." Sana snaps back.

It's like I'm watching a real life cat fight, except there no physical fighting but just long death stares.

"So...are we going to the Penetrator Halloween party at Chris's this weekend?"  Chris ask trying to break up the tension. 

A party at Christoffer? I am surprised I haven't heard more of this party and how did it get around so quickly considering he hasn't been to school in a week.

Vilde's eyes lighten up as she rips her attention off of Sana and excitedly smiles over at Chris.

"He's still alive?" I sneer under my breath hoping no one has heard. It's weird It's gone from seeing him almost every day and being tormented to absolute silence.

"There's a party! This is great news, that means our name talked about that we are  now being invited to parties." She exclaims I look down at my feet knowing I already don't want to go

"We'll be there!" She claps smiling.

As she claps William and his friend walks by, smiling at him Vilde's stands up ready to greet him with maybe a hug but he gives her a cold "hi" before pushing right past her.

Biting my lip I feel bad as I watch Vilde's eyes sink hurt. Her eyes revert back to the ground embarrassed and I turn my attention over to the other girls who are just as astonished as I was.

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