Chapter Six

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I look at him with sorrow as I give him a small side smile. Slowly I make my way to the door wanting to escape from the awkwardness filling the room.

"Hey" I utter giving him and the brown haired girl that he was just sucking face with a small wave.

He leans into the brown haired girl ear whispering who know what to her.

I on the other hand, stand there with a book in one hand and my purse awkwardly wrapped around my body.

The brown haired girl walks away from Chris and pushes pass me to leave and my eyes widen, I wave my hand out trying to stop her.

"No need to leave, I'll just umm go..." I say but Christoffer stops me and the other girl walks through the door before she could even hear what I said.

I hear the door shut behind her, still standing I rock my body unsure what I should be doing. Biting my lip I scan the room trying to find something to drown out the awkwardness.

"What are you doing here?" Chris asks as he moves his way to the bed.

I look over to him clicking the inner part of my cheek. His body now sprawled out on the bed he stares at me waiting for an answer.

"I was just washing out the smell of vodka in my shirt and thought I might stay here. What are you doing here? " I say stupidly. I already know what he was doing in here, he was trying to hook up with that girl.

"It's my room." He utter, I bite my lip harder. Of course, out of all the rooms, I stumbled across, I happened to fall into Christoffer's room.

"Well you did a bad job at keeping people out," he laughs and brushes his hair with the soft of his fingertips.

"Didn't think people would come in, considering its quite far from the main room where the party is." My nose crinkles at the realisation that i did try go as far away from the music as possible. 

His room is right on the other side of this big house at the end of the hallway. To be honest there are so many random doors and rooms in this mansion that I could have done a better job at finding a place to wash myself but I was intrigued with the random things in his house.

Still looking over to Chris, he notices my book in my hand. His eyebrows stitch as he realizes what I was doing. I was In here reading,

"Your class is doing Purple hibiscus for the novel study? yeah, mine too" he says.

I look down at the book that is in my right hand. Almost forgetting I even had it.

"Yeah, I'm reading it again," I say.

"In my room, in the middle of a party?" He says with a little sarcasm in his voice.

I look down at my feet not wanting to make eye contact with Chris feeling a little embarrassed. It's true, I was reading at a party, instead of enjoying myself, but I guess this is my enjoyment.

"You know you're something else, Grete" I smile his stone wasn't judgmental it was more at owe at the fact.

The door then opens suddenly revealing a very worried Eva, she rushes in and looks at me. When she notice who else is in the room she widens her eyes in shock.

I knew she wanted to say something about this situation but couldn't because of other pressing matters.

"Grete, we need to leave and now." She says sternly with a little worry in her voice. My eyebrows stitch together, I quickly shove my book in my bag and rush over to her.

"Why, what happened?" I ask and she looks over to Chris who is on the bed. She scans his body up and down, a little suspicious. Chris gives her a small wave as I bite my tongue knowing what she is thinking.

"I'll tell you when we get out," she explains and I nod my head before following her out. Just before I leave through the door frame I look back the Chris who is already staring at me.

I give him a small smile, and he gives me one back. Grabbing the door handle I shut the door behind me before turning over to Eva who is rushing me.

We quickly pushes through the drunken crowd trying to find the exit. Behind me is Noora, Sana, and Chris. With our hand linked so we don't get lost we finally find the door we entered through.

I stop in my tracks puffing a bit, still wonder what all the fuss is about.

"Does someone care to explain why we are running out of here like scared rats?" I ask between breaths.

"Pepsi max was about to start a fight with Sana because she spilt her drink on them while also giving them the finger." My eyes widen, I glance over to Sana with eyes full of questions.

She looks over at me blankly and shrugs it off as if it was nothing. We continue to exit the building picking up Vilde on the way who is hooking up with William against the wooden wall outside of the house.

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