Chapter Fifty-Four

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The Growing Crowd

Chewing down on my bottom lip I adjust the fabric against my neck trying to hide it better so Chris couldn't see it anymore. I knew I should have left my hair down today. I was being optimistic when I thought that the scarf, makeup, and clothing would work. Nervously Turning my head back to Chris's direction My eyes connect with his dark one. His eyes narrow and Gloomy I notice the dark clouds that beginning to make its way in his orb as he waits for my answer.

"Nothing," I mutter as I look away knowing if I look at him too long he'd be able to see right through me.

I could feel his eyes scanning my body searching for any more of these 'nothings' on my body. I feel myself biting my lip as he does so. Finally getting to my neck I feel his eyes burning holes into the fabric of my top.

"What!?" I spit wanting his eyes to stop roaming my body.

"I'm just wondering why you're trying to lie about your hickeys." My eyes tried to hide the shock. Even through my best efforts of using makeup, a turtle neck and a scarf he still he was able to spot it instantly.

"Okay, it's a hickey!" I shout a little too loud that some students stop their conversation to look over to us.

I watch as people pretend not to hear me but we all know they began listening when they saw Chris pulling me to the side of the hall.

"Last time I check the things I do is no longer your problem." Sneering I watch as his jaw clenches up.

Looking back around me I see many people giving us strange glances as we bicker. Usually, we'd be doing this inside a classroom or a place no one can see us but Chris wanted a crowd

"It would be easier if you didn't have those fucking bruises mocking me!" My mouth fell in shock. I feel began to feel flushed with a boiling anger.

His eyes don't stray away from mine and his grip still holds my arm not weakening. I didn't want these hickeys as much on me. I want nothing more than for them to disappear but Of course, Chris would think I'd do it to despise him.

"No, you're right! I did this just to annoy you." The sarcasm in my voice obvious so he wouldn't think otherwise.

His eyes turn rigid and cold. I knew he was angry by the way his chest rose from each breath he inhaled then exhaled. People's eyes would constantly give us a glance just to see what the yelling was on about and to tell their friends when we were done.

"I wouldn't be surprised. " he spat and I looked away in disbelief.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Chris rolls his dark eyes. Waiting for an answer he runs his tongue along his bottom lip staring back at me as if I should know what he is talking about.

"Don't pretend you don't try kiss Adam a little more when I'm around." Moving my attention to the ground I lean shuffle my weight to from one side to the other. I try to make myself not seem guilty of doing that but I know Chris can see right through me.

"You're unbelievable." I spit. Looking over my shoulder I see Iben coming towards us. Just the person I want right now. If there was anyone in the world I disliked a lot it would be her. Her long brown hair bounced under the hall ways harsh lighting. Making her seem more of some sort of goddess. Her bright pink lips stood out grabbing the attention from girl and boys. Something she enjoys getting.

"I'm unbelievable! I'm not the one who has the hickey in her neck-" Chris loud deep voice gets cut off by a chirpy high pitch one.

I swear from the corner of my eyes I witnessed a small eye roll from Chris as he turns to towards her. Watching the corner of her mouth drop her eyes narrowed glaring over to me as if she knew something was wrong and somehow it was my fault.

"What did she do now?" Her voice full of judgment and envy. Stitching my eyebrows together my stare at her blankly not knowing why on her it was her problem.

"Excuse me?" I snap sick of Iben and her annoying voice. I swear someone dropped her down the stairs when she was younger which damaged her voice box because no one's born with that squeaky voice.

"I'm talking about the fact that you always seem to be doing something that grabs the attention of Chris. I think it's safe to say that you're an attention whore. " All moisture in my mouth disappears leaving it dry. My face begins to redden and I feel myself about to yell with anger reminding her of all the things that she's done that doesn't give her the right to call me that, but just as I was about to open my mouth I feel a presence next to me, holding me from the back then quickly letting go of my waist as feels the tension in the air.

"What's going on?" Adam voice small as he try's to understand the situation. Turning towards him I give him a small smile wanting nothing more than for him to leave before Chris,

Whose eyes darken with Adams around my body embracing me in his tight grip.

Does something violent to hurt him. Snapping my attention back to Iben I see the in annoyance in her eyes as she looks over to Chris. Pressing my lips together I see more eyes placed on us as this whole situation unfolds.

"Come on Chris." Her voice barked as she continues staring at me with coldness. As she grabs his forearm he quickly moves it away. Staring at her angrily he stitches his eyes brows.

"No! we're not together. I don't have to go anywhere with you." My eyes widen as those words slip out of his mouth.

A sudden chill swept through my body as if a cold wind blew against my skin even though we were inside. The crowd that began to circle us filled with the same surprised expression. With their eyes widening in shock with small whispers being shared around.

When did they break up? Why did they break up? Was it because of me? All these thoughts rushed through my brain and I couldn't help but just stare at their figures not knowing what to say or think.

Ibens face drops and she reverts her attention to the building crowd around up. Her face stripped of any colour her natural glow became nothing but a red shade that filled her cheeks.

I take it from her expression that no one knew of their break up. It was as though she didn't want anyone to know but Chris's expression looks as if he doesn't  care. His face looked blankly at me and then to Adam. His nose flaring from his heaving breathing. His eyes grey from the anger. He didn't show any emotion and to the untrained eyes you would think that way, but I knew he was angry by the way his fist balled up and his eyes would darken with the recurring grey clouds filling his orbs.

Turning my attention towards Adam I watch as his eyes roamed the halls watching as the other students whisper at each other. I could tell he was uncomfortable with all this attention. As the creases in his forehead appeared I knew he wanted to leave, and he wasn't the only one.

"We should go." I utter tugging on Adam's forearm. A loud snicker echoes in my ears suddenly I hear a foot step coming closer to him and eye.

"Of course Mrs innocent can't take the attention." Turning on my heels I face Iben who's red checks were replaced with a cunning smirk plastered on her lips.

"Does your boyfriend know about your slutty little adventure at Chris's party?" The corner of my lips drops to a worried frown. My body temperature begins to fall drastically and I feel my skin becoming pale. Forcing myself to breathe, my eyes fill with a pleading look begging her to stop what she's about to say.


Comment your thoughts! I hope you enjoy I and thank you guys so much for 40k I love writing and Im just happy that I get to experience everything with you guys ❤️

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