Chapter Twenty Four

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The day after

I feel the warmth of the sun shine against my soft skin. Rolling over to avoid the rays I attempt to fall back asleep but suddenly a pounding feeling thumps through my head. Shutting my eyes tightly I try to ignore the ache. It feels as long the inside of my brain is putting pressure against my skull and it's going to combust. Suddenly I feel the turning in my stomach and I feel last night's food and liquid coming back up again. Quickly uncovering myself from the fluffy blanket. I run towards the bathroom and into the toilet. With only liquid coming out I hold the toilet seat to balance myself.

last night activities flash back in through my head as if like a montage from a movie, only showing short clips. the memory of dancing and excessively drinking. I remember Thomas and how I probably look like an idiot dancing in front of him. Finally with nothing else in my stomach I lift myself off the floor and wash my face and hands in the sink.

Looking at myself in the mirror I can't help but cringe at how horrible I look. I have last nights clothes on. My hair is all messy and my eyes have large bags under then. Wiping my face off letting the cool water refresh me I freeze. Slowly I lift myself from the face cloth and scan the room.

looking at the unfamiliar objects that is placed around me, my eyes widen and I run out and enter back into the bedroom.

I'm not at home. I don't see my small bed cramped in the corner with my vanity on the other side. The walls are not painted an ugly creme but instead replaced with a pristine white. This bedroom is so familiar but I can't put my finger on it. Starting to panic I pace myself around the room too scared to go out. My head fills with questions that I am unable to answer.

who's room is this? How did I get here? Did I sleep with anyone?

as I breath slowly to try to slow my heart rate I sit at the edge of the bed. Focusing on the round my eyes widen as I realise who's room I'm in.

Chris?! A mixture of anger and surprise and right on time I suddenly hear the whistling of the boy I despise. Opening the door slowly I walk through the long hallway as I make my may towards the kitchen.

Biting my lip I enter the room and see Chris cooking up bacon eggs with toast. He turns and smiles when he sees me. I hesitantly walk towards the dining table that was nicely set up. There stood a tall glass of water with ice cubes floating at the top. pain meds and a hot coffee.

"You're up, how are you feeling?" he chirps as he places the food right in front of me. Looking down I grab the plate and look back at him with confusion.

"Why am I here?" I ask forgetting to thank him for the food.

"What do you mean?" he says as he walks over to his dining room taking a seat opposite him with the same food but lack of pain medication. I am first am reluctant to sit with him but when my stomach begins he looks at me with determination painted on his face.

"Sit," he says. Pulling out the chair I place my plate down and take a seat across from Chris. Why is he being so nice to me? The last thing I remember is us having an argument and then me stupidly sculling Thomas's drink. I don't understand how I even got here.

"I don't remember much from last night. So please fill me in. Why am I here?" I ask and his eyes revert down at his food as if he was trying to avoid eye contact. He then looks back up at me and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"What was the last thing you do remember?" he asks and I chew on my lip trying to think really hard. There is so many blanks from the night. I get more flash backs to dancing on the sticky floor. Talking to some random people, and being with Thomas but nothing explaining why I stayed over. I bring my hands to my face and rub my temples trying to sooth the thumping that was now taking war in my brain.

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