Chapter Fourty-One

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Frozen in my spot I blink again to ensure that what I am seeing is real. His tall slim figure towers over me. His cold hand touches my skin. With his hand on my Forearm, I shake my head not believe this is true.

"Adam?" A deep confused voice says behind me. Snapping out of my own thoughts I turn towards Chris who's eyes were filled with annoyance.

"Oh um, this is Adam. He's my-" my voice gets interrupted by Adam's voice.

"Boyfriend." I watch as Chris jaw clenches as those words leave his mouth. I notice the way his chest rise and falls as Adam hand still lingers against my skin.

"Ex-boyfriend." I corrected him, remembering the day he left to go London. My heart shattered into a million pieces. I cried every night wishing he was next to me. Now with his skin against mine, I feel a sort of numb feeling. Maybe it was because I didn't want to go through all the pain I felt when he left or maybe because I was finally over him. Whatever it is I couldn't help but look over to Chris who's body was again stiff and cold.

Laughing to himself he walks out of the door shaking his head. Widening my eyes I chase him.

His body quick and swift I try to catch up with him, he ignores my calls that I shout in his direction. Finally getting close enough toward him I stop him in his tracks.

He turns around sharply with his eyes filled with blackness.

"Do you still love him?" He snaps. Standing back a little I furrowed my eyebrows. Caught off guard by his question.

"What?" I ask not knowing what on earth he meant.

"Are you still in love with him?" He says once again, I stood there, in the dark looking over at an inpatient hurt Chris. I watch as he waits for an answer but I had none for him.

"I don't know," I said softly under my breath. I truly don't know that answer to that question. My head was racing when I felt his hand against my skin. It felt familiar it's felt warm.

It felt good.

But it was different now, it was as though something had changed between us. Maybe it was the fact that I haven't seen him for a year or maybe it was that fact that I had feelings for Chris.

Exhaling a loud deep breath he shakes his head in anger and turns around walking straight to his car. Getting inside His car, I watch as he drives off, his engine making a heavy sound that echoed the neighbourhood as he left.

I stroll back inside to see an also confused Adam sitting on my couch eating his bowl of cereal he had put down when he came up to me and hugged me.

"New boyfriend?" He asks talking about Chris. I shake my head and look to the ground.

Far from it.

"Oh," Adam says trying to hold back the small smile that crept onto his face.

"Why are you here?" I snapped a little annoyed that he came into my house without me knowing, eating my food and re-entering my life causing havoc once again.

"You'd think you'd be happy seeing me after a year." He says taking another spoonful of cornflakes into his mouth. Biting my lip annoyed I walk over to him and take a seat in the empty space next to him.

"You didn't call or text when you left. I was hurt." I spoke looking down at my hands as the feeling flooded back to me.

Putting down the bowl onto the table he reaches his hand out and softly wraps fingers around mine. I couldn't help but flinch at his touch but soon held his hand back.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to call and text you, but if I did we'd never be able to move on." I bite my lip hard trying to not let a tear come out. My eyes stared at my grey carpet. I avoid eye contact with Adam. I didn't want him to see me weak and frail. I didn't want him to judge me and comment on how I should toughen up.

"Grete," he says as his fingertips touch my chin and lift it so I was looking at him. He gives me a small weak smile. I couldn't help but give one back to him. Missing the way his eyes would crinkle at the sides while he does so.

"I still love you, and I'm not going anywhere." He whispers.

Looking deeply into his blue orbs I couldn't help but think of Chris's eyes and how they would sparkle against the moonlight.

Suddenly I felt his lips on mine. My eyes closed as I feel his lips move slowly against my lips. Finally kissing him back I remembered the way he made me feel. The way he would make me laugh and the way he'd make me cry.

Biting down on my lower lip his tongue begs for entrance. Parting them slowly he slips his tongue inside my mouth deepening the kiss. Moving closer toward me he runs his hand through my blonde hair. I slowly move my body under him letting his body towering over me. Opening my eyes I realise what I am doing. Leaving his lips I watch as he pouts sadly that his lips are no longer attached to mine.

"I'm sorry," I say as I adjust myself while pulling myself up to a sitting position. I can't believe what just happened. He comes back tell me he's sorry and he still loves me and then he kisses me. Taking a minute to process what's happening, I hear Adams' voice speak up.

"I get it, Grete, I have been gone for a while. I understand if you want to take it slow. I just miss you that's all." I smile over at him and nod. I want to take this slow. Real slow.

"So wait who's Adams again?" Confusion fills Noora's voice.

"My ex-boyfriend that left for a year to London," I explain and she nods her head finally realising.

"So wait he's back? Like for good?" Eva asks as she takes a seat on her bed with us. Playing with on of her throw pillows I nod.

"He told me his dad got relocated back here. So I'm guessing it's for good," My eyes look up over to Eva who's looking at me with soft eyes. She knows how I feel about Chris but she also knew my feeling towards Adam, since she was the one picking up the pieces when he left.

"Also another thing," I utter which causes both of them to stare at me with raised eyebrows.

"He kissed me." I utter under my breath which causes to gasps from both of them.

"How was it?" Eva asked shuffling closer to me. I shrugged.

"It was nice," I say which causes her to look over to Noora with wide eyes before turning her attention back to me, shaking her head in despair. She presses her lips together letting out a disappointment mmmm sounds.

"What?" I ask wanting to know why she looks so damn disappointed.

"Nice is what you say to a waiter when he asks you about your food and you don't want to be mean and say it's awful, so you say it's nice." My lips part and I looks down not knowing what to say.

"Okay, it was good." Say instead and Eva continuous to shake her head. A little-annoyed wonder what 'good' could possibly mean

"What does the rule books say for this one?" I mocked, Eva exhales and stands up to walk over to her vanity.

"It's just when you kiss someone you love, you don't use the words. Nice or Good. It's supposed to kiss feel passionate. It's soft but still hungry. Your stomach turns and you can't help but skip a heartbeat." I press my lips together. Feeling very underwhelmed.

I didn't feel any of those when he kissed me. Sighing I fling my body back letting my back hit the Mountain of pillows behind me. Each one as soft as the next I grab the fluffy warm blanket over my head and let out a loud annoyed groan letting out all my annoyance out in one huff.

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