Chapter Twenty Three

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The empty house

My eyes opened and closed every now and then. The only thing I see is the faint light of the lamppost outside the car as we drove by.

My eye lids are heavy, but every time I close my eyes, flash backs of what could have happened run through my mind. Giving me the cold chills It makes me want to hunch over and throw up.

I turn my head slightly to see Chris. His beautiful feature stood out even in this dim light. I watch as he kept so concentrated on the road. His two hand on the steering wheel. I could still see some anger in his eyes, his hands are clench on the steering wheel so tightly I'm almost worried they would go purple. I wouldn't be surprised if it left a small in dent.

He catches my eyes and gives a small smile as if he is trying to tell me I am safe. There is that same sparkle I've seen for the past couple of months. I don't know what its means but I could spend all day staring into them.

I closed my eyes once again and when I finally opened them again, I notice that we were pulling into a drive way.

The long drive way stretch until we got to a big house, even though I've been to this house before. Without the flashing lights and the loud music it felt different.

Lifting myself off the side of the door I sit up. Looking over to Chris I stitch my eyebrows unsure why he didn't take me home.

"Your house?" I asked.

He turned off the ignition and sat there staring at me.

"I didn't know if I should take you to yours, just in case your parent were home." I shake my head. Knowing to well that she won't be home.

"My mums never home something about drinking being more important that me, but thanks." I drunkenly let out knowing all to well my mum had definitely left to go to some bar again. Who knows when she'll be back. Sometimes she can be gone days at a time.

"Aren't your parents home?" I ask turning my body toward him and resting my head on the seat. I'm starting to feel better, but I can't say that the throwing up feeling that being bottled up in my stomach is going away.

"They're always out, on business trips. I live here by myself 360 days of the year."

I look down at my hands "oh that sucks," and he lets out a little laugh at my straight fowardness. I watch as Chris turns his body to the front of the car and inhales a deep breath out before getting out of the car. I watch him as he walks right around the car and open my door.

The gust of cold air blows on my skin. I don't flinch or react to the wind I just sit there gazing at Chris.

"Here I'll help you out" he offers before wrapping his arms around my body and lifting me off and out of the seat. I try help him by trying also to lift my own weight but I'm to tired to even try.

Locking the door with me in his arms we walk slowly towards his house.

When we finally enter the warmth of his house I notice something when we get inside. Something I hadn't notice until tonight.

How lonely this house feels.

Without the flashing lights or the loud DJs playing the most upbeat songs you could think of. His house is just...empty.

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