Chapter Thirty

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Cooling down


I say as I open the door wide to see him with cuts and bruises on his face and his body. Dried blood covers the wound and the bruises look raw. I can tell he's in pain when he winces to talk to me.

"Can I come in?" He says as he grits his teeth together. The redness in his face and the crinkles that become prominent when he's angry. With my eyebrows stitch together I close the door behind me and step closer to him not wanting my mum to come out and see me talking to him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I touch his face. "and more importantly what happened?" His eyes close as my cold hands softly graze upon his skin. He inhales a small breath to cool himself down. At the way he is flinching with the slightest movements, I can tell it hurts even though he his trying to hide the pain.

"I just need to get the fuck away before I hurt someone." He scoffs. Iben's at the party he could have just went there to see her or William is best friend, why here?

"Why didn't you go see Iben?" I ask since right now they are sleeping together. He rolls his eyes. I look down at his clothes and see small dots of blood, winking my nose I try not imagine whose blood that is and why it was there.

"Shes the last person I'd want to see right now " his fist curls as his eyes clothes probably remembering everything that happened.

He walks over to the other side of the room and I notice his body moves in a different way, it's he is now limping. As I follows him into the lounge and as he turns towards me meeting my gaze again I cross my arm, needing answers. "What happened Chris and why are you here?" Lifting a brow he grits his teeth and exhales a deep breath. I am worried whoever has hurt him followed him to my house.

"I just needed to cool down" Shaking my head in confusion I wonder why on earth here. Why out of all the places he thought here to cool down?

"So why here?" I snapped

"I don't know okay?! It was the first place I thought of and you were the first person I thought of and frankly you're doing a terrible job," he shouts and I widen my eyes scared that my mother will wake up. I rush to the hallway and close the door.

"Louder Chris I'm pretty sure London didn't hear " I sarcastically yell back at him. His eyes soften and he runs his hand through his hair pulling on the roots hard.

"I should have killed him, " He utter to himself and my hearts starts to beat faster.

"Killed who Chris, who?" I scolded.

"Chris if you want me to help, you have to tell me what's happening." The room fell silent he falls down on the couch and rubs his face against his palms.

"it's better if you don't know." He mutters and I shake my head. Annoyance fills me and I step closer to him scanning him up and down. He comes into my house and refuses to tell me what's happening. I want to kick him out, but I can't bring myself to did it. Obviously he doesn't want to be alone and without knowing what's going on first he might be in a lot of trouble.

"Chris please," I beg. lifting his head his eyes meet mine. Gazing into his deep blue ones he finally nods.

I slowly walk towards the couch taking a seat next to him, all my attention is on him as I wait for what he is going to say. "You know that guy that you saw me fighting in the courtyard and at the Halloween party." I nod remembering the interaction we had today.

"Hes not a good person" I exhale my eyes never leaving his.

"What does he want with you," I ask. His gaze Rips off me and down at the floor, he shakes his head.

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