Chapter Thirty-Five

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Finally, as I do I fill my lungs with as much air as possible regaining my thoughts and composing myself. Searching around I begin to try to find Chris who is a couple of feet away from me also resurfacing. With a cunning smile, I slowly swim over. As he begins to open his eyes I surprised him by hitting my hand hard against the surface of the water causing it to splash onto in him.

Swinging his eyes he yells and me to stop but I ignore his request and continue to splash him. As after all he lift me into the water. Facing he begins to splash much bigger section of water to me. Lifting my arms I try to shield myself which was doing me no good so instead, I decided to submerge my whole body under water letting the splashes go over my head.

Resurfacing out of the cool water I wipe my face with any water that may be left and tuck the loose grounds of hair behind my ears. Scanning my eyes my eyebrows stitch together when the sight of Chris is nowhere to be seen. Just as I was about to shout out his name I feel a strong hand grip my waist causing me to spin around.

Biting my lip my eyes connect with his. I watch as his blue crystal eyes watch mine. We stand there still in each other grip admiring each other. I couldn't help but notice how good looking Chris is wet. His body filled will small drops of water. The muscles that flex due to the coolness of the air. His hair drips of water sticking together while being pulled back. He looks down at me and pressing his soft lips together. Gulping I tear my body away from him

Remembering he has a girlfriend and I am not a home wrecker. Trying to regain myself I attempt to tread water to keep myself afloat. To be honest with you, it wasn't that cold. Maybe it was because of our bodies, even though not in contact was still in close proximity.

"Who's laughing now" his deep voice utter. I don't have to be looking at him to know he is looking at me with a wide smirk. Rolling my eyes I hit him with a splash of water.

Grunting again he wipes some water out of his face. "It's actually not too bad you know," I added. Looking down at my hand I watch as it skims the water lightly. Watching as the surface of the water ruffles slowly and the moonlight reflects on my skin causing it to glow.

"Back in the day, I was a competitive swimmer." My eyes widen surprised by the new fact.

"Really!" I ask a little too loud causing him to laugh. "No, but I bet your found me that much more interesting," he confesses. Causing me to roll my eyes. I was excited for a moment, excited that he told me something about his life and excited that if I drowned he could save me.

"Yeah you're pretty dull, I was just thinking. finally, he has something interesting to him!" I joked swimming closer to him. He shakes his head while letting out a small laugh.

"Nah but I'm pretty good at climbing." He says and I narrow my eyes susing out if he's lying to me or not.

"No seriously, I use to rock climb." I smile feeling pretty happy that I knew something about Chris that maybe people didn't know. Even if it was the most random fact I was happy that he shared it.

My body retains warmth as I wrap myself in the fluffiest blanket I've ever seen. We lay closer on the shore watching the night sky. Wrapped in a blanket each gazing at the sky.

"4!" I shout pointing at the darkness above us

"Really where?" Chris asks searching the sky for the falling star that had just past. I look over to my left and point again.

"5!" I shout seeing my fifth shooting star tonight. I glance over to my side watching Chris's eyebrows furrow, confused to where I am seeing these stars.

"Why do I have this feeling that your lying to me?" He proclaimed I shake my head, I know I've seen 5 shooting stars it's not just my eyes playing tricks on me.

"You're just slow and blind." I tease.

Shuffling closer to me I couldn't help but smile. "No maybe I just need to see it from your perspective." I roll my eyes at his comment.

"You realise where looking at the same sky. No matter where we are if you look up we'll see the same things." He glances down at me, his soft breath blowing against my face. His scent filling my nose and his presence filling the void I never knew I had.

"Look!" He shouts pointing at a star that is slowly flying through the sky. It colours illuminating the light sky and making the other stars that it slowly past seem dull.

My lip parted slowly at how beautiful it looked. How even though it was leaving the sky it shone the brightest. I bite my lip knowing that this moment right here is perfect. That nothing in the world could possibly beat what I was feeling right now with Chris next to me. Smiling For one last time tonight I know that this was one of the best nights I've ever had.


Thanks for reading this chapter! Keeping reading and comment your thoughts about what's happening so far! I love to hear your thought.

Love you xoxo

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