Chapter Eighteen

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I enter a classroom with empty chairs and no students to be seen. Following close behind me was Chris. Anger filled my mind as I turn my body facing to him. Walking a step closer towards his figure I smell his familiar scent linger through my nose. I am trying to look intimidating as I narrow my eyes giving him a cold stare down. I feel heat rush through my body as I feel his breath against mine.

"What is wrong with you?!" I shout looking straight into his gaze.

Taking a deep breath in he stares at me blankly.

"Eva? Really? You know she has a boyfriend, and a matter of fact you have a girlfriend. Or does that not matter to you? As long as Christoffer Schistad get his daily fuck. Who cares who's relationship he ruins!" I throw my hand in the air. My voice full of anger, Chris runs his fingers through his chocolate coloured hair. looking away from me.

I follow his eyes trying to get his attention. The once empty room is now full of anger. I have so many things to say to him, I'm not sure if I'll be able to leave this room without telling him how much of a ass hole he is.

I hate swearing but I can't help it. Just thinking of Christoffer makes me want to constantly swear with anger.

"I'm sorry but how is this any of your business?" He added which causes my eyebrows to stitch together.

My business? This is my business, if it has anything to do with Eva. Or anyone in our bus.

"This has everything to do with me. How is it fair that my best friend is being called a slut while you are here, being praised for your little hook up " he rolls his eyes and leans his body closer to mine. I gulp as he gets closer to my face.

"What do you want me to do about that? Do you want me to go around individually to every girl and stop them from calling her a slut?! I'm sorry that society is unfair to woman but I can't do anything about it"

I look at him blankly unable to process what he just said. That exact toxic thought is why woman can't do anything without whore claims being thrown around.

"You are apart of the problem. You get to stand around all high and mighty when it takes two to cheat. You know what you and do instead of being a coward. Start by owning up to what you did and not letting Eva take the fall." I spat

"No I think it's more than that." Rolling my eyes I begin to brush my hair with my fingers.

"Enlighten me?" I say against his skin intrigued by what he is going to say.

"Your not all angry that people are calling Eva a slut. You're angry because I hooked up with her,"

I roll my eye. Why all of a sudden this conversation became about me. Why is he trying to change the subject and make it about something it isn't.

"And why would I be angry about that?" I raise my eyebrow keeping my gaze on his brown hazel eyes.

"Because.... I believe that you care." He utter.

I bite my lip down chocking on what he just said. Reverting my eyes at the hard glossy floor I become speechless.

I don't care. Not one bit.


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