Chapter Fifty - Five

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The truth

Any light in my eyes disappears as I worry about what she will say next. Her eyes were grim and full of vengeance as she plays with the ends of her nails finding it somewhat amusing. Looking over to Adam I see his eyes eyebrows stitch together in confusion looking for someone to tell him what's going on.

"What is are you taking about? she was with me most of the night." My heart drops as I hear him defend me. I know I don't deserve him. He should be with a girl that loves him the same and who doesn't cheat on him with another guy.

Looking back over to Iben she lets out a loud laugh which catches the attention of more people. Rolling her eyes she tilts her head she looks at me out of pity. She could tell I was feeling flustered and worried but that's what she wanted. What she needed and that's what she got. It was her way of getting back at me for spending time with her precious Chris.

"Don't." A dark voice said sternly. Glancing over to Chris he stares holes into Iben eyes as he holds her arm. Narrowing her eyes at him she breaks herself from his grip before walking over to Adam and me.

"Fuck you Chris. You're the reason she's in this mess. I think it's best if you just stand there and look pretty."

I stood still as she circled us like a shark playing with its prey before eating it.

Staring at the ground I wanted so bad to not let her win and get the satisfaction she is feeling, but with all the pairs of eyes staring at us it made her feel more powerful. Fueling her for her attack. She amused by the yelling and drama. My muscles were frozen and all I could do was stare at the ground.

"Adam, you don't know?" Her voice as fake as her life. It was a rhetorical question as she knew I hadn't told him with the confusion that filled him.

"Tell me what?" He looks over to me then back to her wanting answers. Gulping I finally get the guts to say something. Looking up at her I watch her lips part as she gives me a big fake smile. Enjoying the hold she had on me.

"Please." My voice came out more of a whisper. I wanted her to let it go, leave me and Adam to peace.

But we were far into it to stop now. Not only did was there a crowd of people scattered around us tilting their ears forward, Adam was intrigued. He wanted to know what everyone else seems to know.

"You see, the innocent little Grete hooked up my boyfriend- sorry ex-boyfriend at his party. " as those words left her mouth my body gave up.

Tears that I tried so hard to hold back filled my eyes falling down my rosy cheek before crashing into the ground.

I turn my attention to Adam who's face was full of disgust. The way his eyes looked at me was something I've never experienced before. He could barely keep his eyes on me before shaking his head as he turns away.

"Is this true?" He asks not giving me a second look. I heard a loud snicker from Iben mouth, but I wasn't staring at her. All my attention was the one person I let down.

"Trust me, it is I -" her snarky voice gets cut off my Adams. He looks at her with widened eyes wondering why she's still talking. Fueling the already wild fire.

"I'm not asking you." I feel his body turn towards me. His presence dark swallowing me. With my eyes locked on the cold stained floor I, hear his voice once more.

"Is it true?" Looking at the ground I realized how much I've fucked up. Everything that has happened is my fault and I no longer could hide behind my empty shell that is my fear. I had to tell him if only I did when it happened so it wouldn't have had out this way.

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