Chapter Nineteen

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My eyes slowly meet his as I bite my lip, shaking my head I try remember why I was arguing with him.

"I don't care about you..." I say coming out more of a whisper  trying to convince myself more that him.

He steps closer to me, his face inches away from mine. I feel his hot breath against my skin which causes a small shiver scale up and through my body. The smell that I've slowly grown fond of fills my nostrils and I force myself to snap out of it.

He's a fuck boy that has ruined the reputation of my best friend. Not only that he has used the last month to tournament me any way he can. I don't care about him...

Stepping back I shake my head. I watch as he sighs as.

Narrowing my eyes a begin to feel angry again.

"No." I shake my head taken out of whatever trance he had me in for a second.

"If I care about anyone in this situation it's my best friend. How dare you turn this on me and make this my problem." I yell before bumping my shoulders against his hard, as I pass him.

I leave the room that now felt suffocating and enter the hall way, it is empty. No one there but my thoughts. Chewing on my bottom lip I don't dare to look behind me, just in case he is there. Instead I quickly stroll myself back into the room where I left the girls.

Trying to catch my own breath, I lean against the cold door. Processing what just happened.
I just confronted Chris. I don't know what came over me I absolutely hate confrontation.

I felt as though that happen so quickly. The anger that has been slowly brewing during the day as I hear more and more people whispering about what happened. It just made me want to yell at someone.

And who better to do than Chris.

"You okay?" Snapping out of my train of thoughts, my eyes fall upon Noora Vilda Eva and Chris's. Widening my eyes I lift myself off the wall, and fixed myself up.

Clearing my throat I reply.

"Yeah fine. Umm what were we talking about?" I slowly walk back to the group and take a seat. They all stare at me weirdly, as I ignore what just happened and tried to resume conversation.

"We were just saying how we need to redeem ourselves." Vilde tells and I nod my head.

"Ok how?" I ask

"We must get invited to more parties and show the better sides of our bus." She exclaimed.

I stare off at in the distance remembering Christoffers breath against my neck. A small smile breaks as the smell of his body lingers in my thoughts.

Shaking my head. Realising who I was thinking about I try my best to get back into the conversation.

"What is the best side of us?" Noora ask while raising and eyebrow.

"The non kissing boyfriends, but is able to have a great time. Side of us." Eva eyes revert down to the cold ground and Vilda says this.

Anger fills my thoughts again. Why does Eva have to take then fall for something that is equally both of their faults? Chris knew he had a girlfriend. He could have stopped it.
But no.

Of course, When has Christoffer every thought about something other than himself. Only when he's knows hes getting something out of will he help . Just like the first time I meet him. He thought that we were going to hook up in the bathrooms. That's the only reason he was came to help.

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