Chapter Thirty-Three

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Car Rides

"So how long is this car ride to this secret destination going to be?" I ask knowing we've been in the car for at least 15 minutes.

We are now in out away from the city surrounded by greener. Passing trees and driving carefully around mountains. Usually, I'd be nervous because I have no idea where we are going but strangely my nerves are calm as if I know I'm safe.

"Hmm, maybe another half and hour." He says as his eyes don't leave the road. My eyebrows glue together. Where the hell are we going that's about 45 minutes out of town.

"30 minutes?" I whisper and he smiles over at me with a small laugh. He's lucky I'm not car sick with the amount of curved roads I wouldn't be surprised if people threw up.

"So let's play 21 question" I suggest. Besides some personal question I don't really know who Chris really is.

"21 Questions?" He says confused. Nodding my head I smile.

"The only thing I know about you is that your name is Chris. I don't even know your favourite colour." I say and he bites his lip agreeing.

"Okay well, my favourite colour is black." I shake my head

"That's a shade." He rolls eyes as if he's heard people say that before.

"Do you see black inside this car?" He asks. Scanning my eyes I notice the black leather seats we are sitting on. Slowly I nod my head.

"Well, then it's a colour." I scoff at his logic, laughing he too laughs.

"Okay, my turn." He says. Waiting for him I watch as his hand rub up and down the material of the steering wheel. I notice how relaxed he looks as he places on hand on the arm lift and he leans into his arm rubbing his chin thinking.

"Favourite movie?" I let my eyes look up at the roof of his car. Pressing my lips together as I think trying to remember what was the last movie I really loved.

Smiling at the ground I remembered the movie stand by me.

"Stand by me," I smile and he raises eyebrows.

"A classic. I'm not mad about it but why?" He asks.

"Oh god, where do I start? I love how strong the friendship are. I love the adventure they go through and the mystery behind the boy. " I go on I see Chris looking at me in the corner of my eyes. His smile on his lips.

"Okay, now you, what do you want for Christmas," I say knowing that Christmas is around the corner. It's a couple of weeks away. I wonder what a guy with everything can ask for.

Biting on his lip he turns the corner causing me to lean holding on to the side of the car handle. He Laughs at how uncomfortable I look.

"So what do you want?" I ask adjusting myself back into the seat.

"Company." He says I tilt my head confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask not knowing why he'd want company when he has all his friends over for a parties and such.

"My parents are not normally here on Christmas. They try but then something comes up. So I'd want company this Christmas" I smile and place my hand softly on his that is on the hand break. Trying to comfort him. It must be hard being alone on a day that supposes to be with family. I for one get it.

"Do you enjoy Christmas?" He asks as our eyes connect. His eyes sparkle with the same glimmer I always see. Exhaling I shrug.

"My mum uses the holidays as an excuse to drink more, but no matter how poor we were growing up she somehow comes up with a present for both my sister and I. Which is nice.My sister usually comes down which makes it better." He nods listening looking down I quickly wipe my hand off his forgetting it was on there.

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