Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Christoffer POV

Walking down the long halls I smiled at myself remembering Grete's face when I told her I wasn't really a competitive swimmer.

It was hilarious, he eyebrows furrow into each other, I watch as her eye went from a wide blue sparkle to a narrow shape, with still the same sparkle in it. Her body glistening under the moonlight. With every drop of water covering her olive skin. I remember how her striped top clung to her chest showing off her curves that came with her body.

Slashing me with water I couldn't get the sight of her beautiful body out of my mind.

"Hello baby" The squeaky voice of Iben sings as she passed me.  Ripping me away from the image of Grete. I look over to Iben who has forced her finger to intertwine with hers.

"So how was the studying," she ask as we walk down the hall together. I try avoid eye contact with her as I spoke.

"Yeah, you know. we were studying." I lied. I can speak for the both of here when I say it was probably the best night we've had in a long time.

"I bet I could have made it more interesting." She whispers in my ear before kissing me on my lips.

I didn't want to kiss her back. I wanted it to end, but Iben bit my lip down begging for entrance I let my lips part slightly letting her tongue glide into my mouth,

After what seemed like forever I pulled away. Her eyes looked at me softly, it was as if she felt like something off with the kiss.

Walking out of the building and onto the courtyard, my eyes roam to find hers. I knew she was out here, with her friends or by herself clutching on that beloved red binder of hers. I wanted to see her again. I wanted to see her wearing my clothes. Making something so simple. Like a shirt and sweatpants look so fucking good.

I wanted to see her.

As my eyes wander across the courtyard a body bumps hard against mine. Bring my attention back towards the clumsy fucker who decided it was a good idea bumping into me, I almost choose to let it go. That's before my eyes meet with his dark grey ones.

My blood begins to boil as I watch his gaze meet mine. Clenching my fist hard I watch as he glares up and me with narrow eyes.


With the steam blow out of my nose, I feel Iben trying to pull back and calm me down. Ignoring her comments I rip my body out of her grip and let my body come close to the little fucker who hurt her. Who made Grete cry, who made Grete feel hopeless. Who hurt my Grete.

"You," I say in a deep hushed voice only enough for him to hear but deep enough for him to be scared.

"Babe come on, who even is this guy." I hear Iben squeak somewhere in the distance.

"You should probably listen to your girlfriend," Thomas smirks, Which causes my eyes to turn dark. Narrowing them I grab his white cheap cotton shirt and pull him hard against the nearest surface I can find.

With the hard stone wall behind him, I hear Thomas curse to himself in pain. A small crowd begin to gather but I couldn't give a flying fuck. All that was on my mind all the possible ways of killing this bastard.

"You should have listened to Grete when she said no." I spat in his face punching him hard in the gut. He winces in pain as his boys curled over. His small scrawny hands hold his stomach.

More begin to gather around us. But my eyes were only locked on the sexual predator in front of me.

"I don't know what you talking about," Thomas says lifting himself up.

"She wanted me too." He laughs a deep dark laugh. I swallow a hard breath. Clenching my fist Hard. I feel my nails digging deeper into my own skin.

"She wanted me to touch her, to hold her, to feel her-" I punch him hard. Letting my fist fly through the air and hit the bone that lay under his skin on his fucked up face not letting him finish his sentence. Opening and closing my right hand I felt the impact on my knuckles, but I know that Thomas felt that 10x worst than I did.

Getting up as he wipes his bloody nose. Still groggy by the punch I look around noticing the crowd of people that are gathered in a circle around us. Looking over to Iben I watch as she yells over to me confused. My eye wanders along the people who were circulating us giving me small cheers while some of Thomas friends telling him to get up. Exhaling a deep sharp breath my eyes land on the one person I didn't want to see all this.


I watch as her eyes look at me with fear. She hugged herself breathing in and out slowly. I watch as she desperately try's to catch her own breath. Her eyes widen over at me and before I knew I felt the pressure against my right check.

Hearing the crowd roar I touch my check in disbelief. Did he just fucking punch me?!

Anger filled me. My blood began to boil and all that was racing through my mind is his body dead on the hard wet ground. As I was about to get another jab into him I see a small body running towards me. I stop the swinging of my arm as I see that Grete in my sights.

"Are you okay?" She asks with worry in her voice. Pushing her aside gently as I could. I rush up to the fucking bastard. I ensure that this next swing is the last thing he'll see for a long time in his right eye.

One last roar of the crowd is all I hear the ring in my ears. I watch as he walks backwards losing his balance and falling to the floor with people running towards him for assistance. 

I stand there for a moment. His eyes lock on mine hopeless and drops. With my chest rising up and down I shot him a dark long cold glare. Telling him that if he ever goes near her I swear I'll do much worse than a bloody face. Looking back to try to meet my eyes with her my mouth dropped. Grete was gone. Moving my head around the bodies that were crowding around me I get glims of her small body pushing past the crowd who has come have closer to assist stupid bastard on the ground.

I watch as she grips onto her left wrist, worry begins to wash over me. Did I hurt her as I pushed her away?

The silhouette of her disappears and just as I was about to go and chase after her I felt a firm hand on my shoulder. Turning around I see Mr Hansen, our principle. Shaking his head whilst frowning at me.

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