Chapter Thirteen

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Dark Side

Pulling my hand break up I turn the key anti clockwise turning my engine off. Driving into  Chrisoffer's Long drive way I notice how beautiful the entrance is. Now parked I give myselff a couple of second and let out a loud sigh trying to calm my now beating heart.

I glance at myself in the rare view mirror one last time. Biting my lip as I try convince myself that this party will be much better than the first time.

Checking my watch I read 9:30pm. I'm only one hour and a half late which isn't too bad because in my head that means one hour and a half  less at this party.

my excuse was I had to finish an assignment tonight even though the due date isn't for a couple of weeks it gives me time to mentally prepare tonight. So I politely decline getting ready with the girls and tell them ill meet them there.

I pull up the rusty metal handle on the side of my door. As I do so I feel a small gush of cold air rush in, sending me shivers. As the door creaks open I shuffling my body out of my car, to enter the darkness of the night.

Staring up at the bright stars I smile as I create patterns in my head by joining them with lines. The moon is at a crescent and tonight I must admit is a cold one.

I let out a deep breath as I look down staring at my black leggings and my oversized mustard crew neck jumper. Since I didn't get ready with the girls I didn't have a costume to dress in. So i decided to be the loser than shows up in normal clothes. Besides people will be to busy hooking up with each other and drinking they won't even notice my lack of creativity.

I wrap my arm around my small body hugging myself to ensure the warmth of my jumper is kept inside. I take small steps towards the front door, taking my time as I am in no rush at all. Finally I reach his front door but just as I was about to knock on the cold hard wood, the door swings open revelling a couple making out.

Not noticing me they push their warm bodies pass mine, I can't say i'm not impressed by the pure determination to stay attached.

With the door left wide open I poke my head in unsure if I should wait until I get invited in or if I should let myself in. Taking one more deep breath out. Its a party I'm sure no one will mind if I just enter as I please. I lift my left foot off the tiled floor and into the marbled floors inside.

Still hugging my myself, I push pass the dancing intoxicated people. I watch as they rub against each other, and jump up and down to the beat of the music. Biting my lip I waddle way past more people scanning my eyes through the whole room trying to find my friends.

Smiling, my eyes stop in their tracks when I finally find them. Getting out feeling of sweaty drunken bodies that are clustered together I make my way towards my friends.

"Hi" I chirp approaching them. Eva's body is slumped on the coach. Her eyes full of sadness I press mu lips together knowing she isn't doing okay.

"Black swan?" I ask noticing her costume. She gives me a small nod but doesn't bother to talk. Just as I was about to sit next to her to comfort her my eyes notice the familiar chocolate brown hair bouncing in the distance.

Biting my soft bottom lip I glance down at Eva who is taking small sips of her solo cup of who knows what. She doesn't look like she's going to go anywhere anytime soon so...

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