Chapter Fourty-Four

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Jumping into my warm fluffy bed I feel another bounce next to me watching as Adam also gets under the cover to get warm.

Lifting the blankets up towards me I groan as I struggle remembering that I tucked the ends of the blankets into my bed. Laughing at me Adam grabs a fist full of my duvet and with one hand as if it was nothing and lifts it up.

Smiling I make sure that the blanket is covering my head only leaving my eyes out to glance at my beautiful boyfriend.

"Are you warm enough?" He sarcastically asks and I nod my head shuffling closer to him. Lifting his arm he wraps it around my waist and pulls me even closer to feeling his warm breath against my skin.

"We should go somewhere," I spontaneously say which causes his eyebrows to raise. Shaking his head he laughs at my comment.

"Where are we going to go at 6:30 pm on a school night?" Biting my lip down my eyes glance back down away from his.

"I don't know out? Let's go where the wind takes us," I exclaim wanting to leave the warmth of this blanket and go out on adventures to feel the adrenaline rush through my veins like it did the night at the lake.

"Really? It's the middle of winter and you want to go outside, what happened to my over thinking always planning girlfriend I use to know?" Rolling my eyes I move back a little leaving a gap between us.

"I'm just bored, that's all" I utter, knowing that if this was Chris we'd be half way out the door. Mentally hitting myself for letting Chris come back in my mind I watch as Adams' eyebrows stitch in confusion.

"Weren't you just cold a second ago?" He sarcastically states which causes me to exhale a loud deep breath, turning on my back I look at the ceilings. I should be happy to be here in the presence of Adams and  I am but it's different,  I can't seem to shake off the gaping hole of emptiness in my heart.

"Okay, I do need to go get something from the store. Let's drive there," turning my head towards Adam I let out a small smile. He must have seen the expression on my face.

Pressing my lips together tightly I shake my head happy, even though it isn't swimming in the moonlight we are at least doing something.

Making our way through the aisle of food I roll the trolley around pushing it as Adam tells me where to go. I couldn't say I was having fun but I guess it's better than being at home, doing nothing.

Stopping in front of the cereals I grow impatient waiting for Adam to choose between captain crunch and Coco Pops. Personally, It would be the easiest decision, obviously, you choose the coco pops. It makes the milk taste like chocolate milk so you can drink it after your finished.

Tapping my foot I let my eyes roam the grocery store. I watch as the bright light hanging on top of us swings side to side. I examined each brand of food and mentally compare the prices finding the best one. Staring off in the distance I watch people as they push their trolleys along, occasionally stopping when they see a food on their grocery list.

Turning my attention back to Adam I sigh when he still hasn't made a decision. Rolling my eyes I lean lazily on the handle of the trolley wondering what the hold up is.

"Sometime this year would be nice," I smile over at him trying to hide the fact that I'm annoyed. Finally grabbing the cornflakes, which was not one of his original options he chucks it into the trolley.

"Are you having the time of your life? With our exciting adventure," he mocks me and I raise my eyebrows agreeing.

"Yup I'm really enjoying pushing this trolley around as I wait for you to pick out what cereal you want." My sarcasm so strong in that comment.

Making a couple more stops in the ice cream aisle I try to smile off he boredom that was growing. I guess this time wasn't too bad as he said I could choose the flavour. After we had finished our final stop at the bread section we finally pay and now currently walking back to the car.

"I thought you loved shopping for food." He says this time pushing the cart filled with plastic bags of food.

"No, I do, I'm just tired I guess. This adventure has taken a toll on me." I say as we stop at his car. As he opens the boot we both begin to lift the heavy bags into the hollow empty place.

I do love grocery shopping. Weirdly it's one of my favourite things to do. I get to pick out the food I want and spend my time looking over the new brands comparing and contrasting, but tonight I must have been drained. I guess I wasn't really up for an adventure after all.

Getting into the car I wait patiently as Adam puts back the trolley. Hugging myself to keep warm I increase the temperature of the heater wanting it to heat up the car faster.

As he hops into the car we back out of the parking space and make our way home. Looking over to him I smile at the fact that he, even though didn't quite succeed tried to make me happy going on this small adventure. As he changes lanes I begin to wonder what it would have been like if he had never left.

"So you never told me who that guy was on Saturday night, the one that stormed off," Adam says pulling me back into reality.

Pressing my lips together I look down at the upcoming subject on Chris. He isn't exactly my favourite person to talk about but it was true, we never really discussed who the pissed off person was who left.

"Oh Chris, He's my friend I guess," I shrug knowing that we aren't on the greatest of terms right now.

Our friendship is like a roller coaster. Some days I'm we are yelling at each other fighting and others we are hanging with each other "studying"

"Oh," he utter silently, stitching my eyes brows together I wonder why the change of voice.

"What?" I ask wondering what he meant by oh.

"He just looks at your differently I guess, I wouldn't look my friends the way he looks at you." Glancing down at my hands I begin to play with them. Not knowing what he meant. Chris was probably just annoyed we were arguing on the way back.

"Well that doesn't matter, does it? Cause I'm with you." I say smiling while grabbing his hand that was free. Plastering a smile on his face he glances quickly at me with happiness.

Biting my lip I smile knowing that I'm with the person I want to be with.

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