Chapter Ten

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Let it go

The final bell rings to indicate that school is finally over for the day. I walk slowly down the halls glancing down at my phone reading a text from Noora.

Noora: Remember we have to meet at the Doctor's office to help Vilde get laid.

While I read the text I can't help but giggle to myself. I still can't believe Vilde is going through with her plan of sleeping with William. If they were both in the same page it would be fine. But it's clear that she thinks this will lead to something and he is only looking for someone to add to his list.

Every time I say something or come close to it she shut me down. So at this point I have to let her go through with it and at least make sure she's safe.

"Haha, I'll see you guys soon." I text back then put away my phone. Before I go meet with anyone I plan on stopping by my english class to grab my report back.

I handed it early to get some notes from the teacher of any pointers I need before giving in the final copy. As I do so I head to my locker which is on the second floor.

Entering my English class I notice no one is in here but the teacher, I stroll my way towards her gripping onto my red binder nervously. My body stops at the edge of her desk and tap my foot anxiously waiting for her to notice my presence.

I hear the clicking sounds of the buttons from her laptop unbothered by the fact I am towering over her. I'm not sure if she's doing this on purpose or not but quietly clear my throat which causes her to finally glance up. Peering at me through her  glasses.

"Hi Mrs, I'm here for my report." My voice utters quietly. She gives me a blank stare then goes back at starting at her laptop. My eyebrows glue together when I realise that she just completely ignored me.

"Mrs?" I ask politely. She holds up finger up in the air. Indicating me to shut up for one second.

Gulping I close my mouth waiting for her to answer me.

I hear the clicking of her laptop as she types away. Scanning my eyes around the room I notice how empty it is. No more loud students crowding the room. No loud noises or screams. Just her, and her thoughts.

And the now obnoxious typing she's been doing for the last 3 minutes.

Finally she writes the last of what's she needs to and gives me the attention I've been so patiently waiting for.

"Yes Mrs Jacobson?" Hee thin crayonned eyebrows stuck up and I clear my throat once again ready to ask her for my novel report.

"My novel report?" I ask as nicely as possible and her face light up when she recognises what I am saying. Searching her messy desk she scurries around trying to find my assignment.

Finally she pulls out a stapled piece of paper and hands it to me.

"Some grammar errors here and there, but besides that very impressed. Just go home fix that up condense your conclusion a little more and you'll be seeing a good grade coming your way," she cooed. I smile at her thanking her for her time.

As I walk away I glance down at the piece of paper re reading my whole report. Wondering how I can sum up everything in less than 8 sentences.

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