Chapter Thirty-Four

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The Lake

I should have felt scared. I should have felt anxious. I should have felt like I was about to do something I know I shouldn't be doing. But with my hand inside Chris, with him leading the way all my usual worries went away. It was as though I knew that no matter what happens Chris was there.

Glancing up I see an opening, The sun that was now just setting was shining warm tones of orange and yellow against our skins. illuminating the distilled lake that laid in front of me. Finally getting out of the forest that we had been walking through for 5 minutes we are let out to see the beauty that was right in front of me.

The sun was setting over a beautiful lake that stretched along a large mass of land. Not far from us was a wooden wharf extended out on top of the body of water. Around us was a forest of large green trees that smelt of pine and nature. My lips parted slightly I was speechless. It was beautiful like something out of a movie.

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"Wow..." was all that escaped my lips. I breathed in slowly taking a moment to just stand there and enjoy the view. Looking over to Chris whose eyes were already on mine I smile shaking my head in disbelief. His smile grew and he takes a step closer to me. I stand there still watching as his hand gently grazes my skin. He licks his lips and smiles.

"Come on, let's watch the sun set on the wharf." I nod following him. Our feet made small creaking noise against the wooden floors of the wharf. I kept my eyes ahead sometimes letting my eyes look over to Chris who was walking next to me. I loved this place. It was peaceful and calming. Something I haven't been the last weeks.

"How do you know this place?" I question looking over to Chris who's eyes was now locked on mine. Finally reaching the end of the wharf we both sat taking off our shoes and let out feet straddle over the wharf just ever so slightly touching the surface of the water. To my surprise, it wasn't freezing. The water was just bearable, that I was able to swirl small circles into the water making patterns that would slowly expand out and finally disappear.

"My dad would take me and my brother here fishing. When I was like 10" I smile over to Chris. Imagining a small scrawny 10-year-old running up and down this wharf chasing his brother as his dad would yell at them both telling them to keep quite as they were scaring off the fish.

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