Chapter Sixty- Three

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The weekend leaves slowly and it's finally Monday. Getting up from my lumpy bed I stretch my body. Letting out all my thought about him and her and letting in good positive thoughts about the day to come.

I now have school to distract me again. It's what I need. A distraction. All weekend I've been trying to keep myself busy, going on runs, finishing up assignments. Dancing around my room like a crazy person in hopes that I would feel better. I did. It helped me get away for a bit. Let my body and my brain be free of the confinement's of my never ending thoughts.

But when the night fell and I was by myself again I would find myself lying in my bed. Awake for hours just thinking.

I begin to get ready for the day. Not knowing exactly what I should wear. I want to be comfortable but also I want to feel good about myself. Going through draws of my clothes and pulling out hangers of things I just throw back on the floor. I come the conclusion that it's the middle of the winter and if I want to be both nice and comfortable that is going to be impossible.

The closest thing to having both would be some high waisted mom jean and a nice button sweater

The closest thing to having both would be some high waisted mom jean and a nice button sweater

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I'm warm and cute I guess? I tell myself not knowing the boundaries of both. Shrugging at the mirror I head to my bathroom to fix my face and my hair. As I look at the girl infront of me I notice the bags under her eyes are heavy.

Grabbing my small selection of makeup I put on some concealer and a bit of strawberry lipgloss to brighten up my face. Not a lot to keep it subtle, but enough to make it seem like I wasn't up till the early hours.

Happy with my look I begin to head out for another week of school.

As I take a small step towards the school gates, I close my eyes and inhale a deep breath. I let the crisp cold air
fill my lungs and allow the cloud of warmth when I exhale, surround me. I continue into school ground and look around watching as people walk to their destination unaware of there surroundings.

Not even taking it in. It's a beautiful morning. There is some frost on the cold concrete ground and on top of the old cracked concrete of the window ledges. I scan my eyes slowly trying to think about the last time I ever just looked up and admire my surrounding.

Getting into the school I am hit with warmth instantly. I feel my cheeks warm up again and I wave over the the girls.

"Hey." I greet and they all say their hellos before looking at me with sorrow. Looking down at my outfit i scan my body and begin to wonder what on earth is wrong.

I didn't think this outfit looked to bad today. Honestly I thought I look kinda cute but I guess it's all subjective. Getting a bit annoyed I raise an eyebrow waiting for one of them to tell me what's wrong.

"What?" I sneered getting a bit annoyed. If I look bad today I would rather someone tell me instead of making me feel so self conscious.

"Did you not hear?" Vilde says softly and I shake my head. Considering I've been in this school for approximately 3 minutes I don't know what they are talking about.

"It's about Chris and Lovisa." Eva says softly and my heart instantly drops at the sound of those names together. I try to stop my thought from wondering before heading what happened.

"Well apparently they were hooking up all night, and Chris took her home and they slept together." My heart falls to my feet and I bite my strawberry lips to fight back the pain. I can tell the girls can see the change in mood and I try and smile as they try comfort me.

"We never know. Sleeping together could mean, you know. Sleeping next to eachother in a platonic way" Vilde innocently clears up and I shake my head. Not for the Chris that everyone seems to know.

His reputation would lead people to think that of course he hooked up with her. Not once but multiple times and then took Her home to have sex with her.

But the Chris I know wouldn't do that at all.

Shaking my head I stare at the cold marble ground trying to regather my thoughts. I don't know how to feel. The emotions I was trying so hard to withhold and shove to the back of my brain is resurfacing and am so close to crying.

I feel the touch of many arms around me and I close my eyes letting the warmth of these girl fill me. The tear  that was trying to escape is wiped away by Sana and I give her a small smile.

"Boys are assholes." She states and we all begin to laugh. The biggest assholes.

I hear the bell ring filling my ears and shake my head lift my eyes off the floor. Today is a good day don't let something like this ruin it. I keep telling myself. Saying goodbye to the girls I head to my first class with Noora hoping that English will distract me from the jealousy roaring within.

"So what did you get up to after the auction?" I ask knowing that the last time I saw her was talking to William.

Noora fiddles with her fingers and looks away from me. I lift an eyebrow confuse by her sudden change in mood.

"You know. Nothing to exciting. Go home, sleep. That about it." She says all in a hurry and I nod my head slowly not quiet convinced.

"Oh look it's Eva and Vilde." She says changing the subject and pointing over to the girls.

Smiling I wave over to them and take a seat at the table. First class of the day wasn't bad. My teacher was impressed by the fact I was now up to date with my book analysis and I was pleased with the amount of work I did in class
without thinking about all this drama.

Noora takes a seat next to me and open her bag to reveal two lunch boxes and holds one towards vilde.

"Here Vilde I made you lunch as well." She says giving her the packed food. Vildes eyes fills with worry and she shakes her head not wanting to take the food. I smile over to Noora who is trying hard for vilde to eat something.

We have all noticed that vilde hasn't been eating anything lately. She only ever eats fruits of vegetables and never a full serving only a small bites. It's nice of Noora to care for her like that. After hearing some bickering between the two finally vilde agrees I smile happy and so does Noora.

Hearing a buzzing noise from Noora phones she gets up and leaves in a rush and we all look over to her as she briskly runs away .

Weird I think to myself, but I shrug it off thinking maybe she had something important to do.

After what only felt like 10 minutes the bell rings again indicating the next period. Gulping I get up slowly trying to take as much time as possible before having to head to biology.

My lip press together and I try convince  myself it's going to be okay, that my head will be down the whole lesson. I don't need to talk to Lovisa or I don't need to look at Chris .

Getting to the doorway of biology I take a step in and mistakenly look up regretting my decision.

That's when I see him. He is sitting in the seat next to mine writing down notes onto a piece of pad paper. I part my lips softly as I feel every single emotion I have shoved in at the back of my heart flood in.

I heavily breath in and out. feeling the pain, the jealously, the happiness all hit me at once. His eyes glance up connecting with mine. His brown orbs Pierce into my dull ones, Showing the same sparkle that I've missed.

Letting a small tear roll down my check . My body feels week and I want to look away but I can't. I press my lips together hard try my hardest to not look fazed.

But I can't. All these emotions come in at once kicking me in the gut. Hurting with every brutal kick. Reminding me of how I feel about him.

Shaking my head I turn around a leave.

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