Chapter Sixteen

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I hear the loud sounds of utensils banging against the glossy surface of the plate. You can hear the distracting muttering of people as they talk about the weekend. Gossip consumes their thought but I only had one thing on my mind.

Saturdays morning I woke up to an empty space next to my bed. I remember the feeling of disappointment filling me as I saw a note beside my bed, from Christoffer explaining why he had left so early in the morning. Shoving my feelings to the back of my head, I smile to myself. The night before was surprisingly quiet but incredibly fun.

We talked the whole night about the weirdest topics. It started with. What do you want to do when you're older. To if you live in another planet in the solar system. What one would it be? To what animal could you physically take on.

I almost scoffed when Chris said a horse. Those things could kick you and you'd be dead.

I glance back, ripping myself back to reality
when I hear Vilda talking about something that occurred at the Halloween party.

"Did you hear the gossip about Chris?" All eyes reverted to her including mine. For once I'm interested in today gossip.

"Apparently he hooked up with someone in the Halloween party," she explains which causes a small gasp escape my lips. A weird sensation floods my body. Taking a deep breath in I try revert my eyes to any other place in the room. To stop the group seeing the disappointment fill my orbs.

How on earth does Chris find the time to hook up with another girl. The feeling of anger becomes of me. Why can't he be faithful to one girl instead of hooking up with every girl he sees? Well almost every girl.

I peer over to Eva who's eyes were already on the ground nervous, stitching my eyebrows together confused. I can help but wonder why she looks so sad, my attention reverts back to Vilde who continues on.

"Not only that, but he was caught leaving the party with a girl." My lips part softly. A small breath of air escaped my lips and I sit there breathless. Biting my lip I glance at my hands nervously.

"The same girl?" Noora asked and Vilde shakes her head.

"People believe it was another girl." She utters and I chew on my bottom lip even harder. No longer glancing over at them but instead at the cold hard floor.

That other girl was me. I was the girl he left with at the party, but it was for a different reasons than what the others may think. Nothing happened that night and I made made sure of it.

"Hi" we hear a deep voice greet behind us. Our eyes looked over to see Jonas has arrived with Isak next to him.

Suddenly I hear the screech of the chair legs against the hard floors of our cafeteria. I watch as Eva springs up to greet Jonas with a kiss.

Not just any kiss but aggressive tongue in mouth action.

We glance at each other with uncomfortably as both of them proceed to make out in front of us for the next 3 minutes.

Sana clears her throat loudly. Ensuring Eva would hear. Eva rips herself off Jonas after eating his face and smiles at us with the biggest most unconvincing smile in the universe.

Her glance lands on me and I give he a suspicious eye brow raise.

I sit in biology class tapping my pen against the metal table waiting for time to pass, with my head resting on my hand. I hear the teacher muttering about natural selection, but unable to listen I continue to gaze at the clock counting down the seconds before I can leave. I don't want to be in class right now or matter of fact at school.

All day all I've heard is about the gossip of Chris cheating on his girlfriend at the Halloween party. It's doing my head in. Are they unable to talk about anything else besides high school drama. Or is their life so bland and boring that drama is the only thing keeping it exciting.

"You ok Grete?" I hear the warmth of Chris's breath against my neck. Ignoring him I switch hands that I was leaning my head against. This time my body is back away from Christoffer.

I hear a loud sigh from Christoffer and hear him shuffle in his seat. I don't want to talk to him. I'm not sure why but I'm annoyed at him. Probably because of that fact that he's unable to stay loyal to his girlfriend but instead not sleep around. I can't help but think what his girlfriend is thinking right now and how awful it must be having these rumour circulate.

It's disgusting really, how is it fair? That men can sleep and hook with as many girls as they want without being slut shamed others.

"What now Grete?" He sighed  and I turn my attention back to him with narrowed eyes. Is he really confused? does he live under a rock. The whole school is talking about him and his secret hook up. All taking gambled on who it might be. I'm just glad my name is out of everyone's mouth.

That's probably because people don't know I exist.

"haven't you heard the gossip about you?" I snap, our voices were stern, but not loud enough that the teacher was could hear us.

He exhales a deep breath before fiddling with his books in front of him. I watch as he brushes his chocolate hair with his soft finger tips.

"Not you too." He moans causing me to roll my eyes.

"Do you not care that your reputation is on the line. That there's a rumour that you cheated on your girlfriend? " biting I just stare at him now and he doesn't seem the least bit sorry about it.

He turns his attention over at me. Gazing into his eyes I notice a small sparkle. That I've never seen when he was talking to other. He then reverts his eyes down at the cold floor and continues to bite his lips.

"I never thought you'd be the one to listen to gossip" my lips part softly. I don't usually.

But the thought of Chris cheating on his girlfriend with another girl, makes me angry. I'm not sure why. I guess it's really none of my business this rage that fills me almost feels like jealousy but there really isn't anything to feel jealous about. I must just feel really bad for his girlfriend.

The loud ring of the bell echoes the room and distracts me from my train of thought. I watch as all the students gather their stuff and pack it away. I glance over to the wall clock and notice that the class is over. Usually I always keep track of the time and know how long we have left, but I guess this time I was so in my head that I didn't even realise.

Peering over to the seat next to me I notice that Christoffer is gone. The seat was empty with all that was left was the scent of him.


Sorry this was short and wasn't interesting, I haven't been posting much because I've been working a lot and when I am home I'm really tired, but Just wanted to thank you guys so much for 1k read and 59 hearts!! I appreciate it so much!! I'm going on a road trip in two days and planning to be writing a LOT during the car ride.

Also comment about your thoughts, I'm really interested in what you guys think!

Thanks again and keep reading 😉

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