Chapter Twenty Two

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I get up so quickly that I have to close my eyes for a second to try catch myself.

"I'm sorry I don't want to um" I stutter as I watch his eyebrows stitched together. He gives me a cold smile and stands up from his bed. My heart beats faster and I try my hardest to keep my breathing calm.

"Don't want to what? Were not doing anything" he says so innocently. Yet his actions are saying something completely different. Gulping I feel my body heat up. I look around the small room, finding anything to place my eyes on. Anywhere apart from his cold dark gaze. I shake my head and begin to walk backwards hitting hard wall behind me.

"I think I might go" I slur, I'm far too drunk to be doing thing like this and I don't want to make any decisions that I may regret. I watch as his body slowly strolls towards me. His face holds a cunning smile and I bite my lip hard.

"It's okay you're drunk you should stay here" he smirks, "with me." He continues then begins to walk so close to my now shaking body. his alcohol filled breath is oozing out of him and it is all I can smell around me. I shiver at his presence as I feel him come closer to me his lips inches away from my face.

I close my eyes regretting the amount of alcohol I drank. I feel a small tear escape my eyes and I hug my body. His hold grips on my arms and I pins it down onto the wall behind me. I flinch in pain by his harsh touch. I want to cry I want to scream but I cannot feel hopeless. I try move my body but I stumble not able to be in control.

Suddenly I open my eyes and glare at him with a stare that could burn holes. With the built up strength I find in me I shove his heavy him away from me. I watch as his body falls on his bed, his expression just as surprise as I was.

Quickly I turn and stumble my way out. Opening the door I hear the music from the speakers and for once I am grateful. Fortunately he hadn't locked it and I feel a wave of relief when I finally  got out into the hall way.

I blink trying to steady my vision. All I see is darkness throughout the hall, but right at the end I see the flashing lights that I once hated. But right now, I wish I was there.

Running through the hall way I stumble a couple of time grasping onto the walls to catch me.

I'm scared.

Scared that he'll come out of his room and grab me. Scared that something  terrible will happen. Scared that I might not be strong enough to get away and no one will hear me.

As I stumble my way through what felt like the longest hallway ever built I hit a strong large body.

Falling into this person embrace I begin to cry trying to lift myself up.

"Come on, you're drunk. Let's go back to my room." The deep voice bellowed and I shake my head my body shivers up disgusted by his touch.

"No. I- i don't want to, please" my voice begs.

I wriggle myself out of his grip and begin to run. I run as fast as in could. Even though the world in front of me was spinning with nothing making sense I kept running.

Suddenly I fall on my own feet. Closing my eyes I let my self fall  fall through the air, knowing that this might be the end of my innocence. Just as I thought I'd hit the ground someone catches me.

"Grete? Are you okay? " the familiar voice of Chris says worried.

I let my  head rest in the crock of his neck. A wave fills my body and for once I am happy and grateful to see him. His smell reassures me and with him soft hand around my body I begin to feel my body calm.

"Help." Is all that I am able to whisper. I suddenly feel his body tense. His muscles under my skin begin harden and I hear another voice speak.

"Hey man, she was drunk and I'm just looking after her in my r room. Then she got up ran away. You know how girls are when they're drunk." His lies poison my skin.

My tears begin to stream and fall upon Chris skin. They were warm, one after the other. I shake my head knowing everything he is saying is a lie but I am too drunk to say anything more. all I know is that I am scared.

"Right. I got her, you can go." His deep voice Pierces through the darkness. He stays firm and tall but keeps holding me with his soft touch.

His hand is wrapped around my waist basically holding my body up. The room is still spinning and I can feel myself blacking out, but what I do know is I don't didn't flinch at Chris's touch, I wasn't scared anymore. I felt safe. A sensation I have not felt in a long time.

"No it's okay bro no need, I got her. She can just lie down in my room." He says holding his hand out to grab me. I felt Chris's embrace become tighter and he moves me slightly away from Thomas not letting me go.

"Get your hand the fuck away from her, said I have her." His voice boomed in such a voice that I didn't recognise him.

Thomas throws his hands in the air, looking defeated. He shrugs and I watch as he moves back a little more. Intimidated by Chris. my body slumped against Chris's warm embrace I am more than grateful that he is here right now holding me.

"Fine, I was just trying to help" another lie falls out of his mouth.
Chris jaw clenched, making his jawline even more sharper. He doesn't break eye contact with Thomas and watches as Thomas he walks back to his room alone.

Turning his attention back towards me I let out a droopy smile. Parting my lips to speak I let out a small voice. I feel the wetness on my cheek when I try wipe a hand across them.

"I want to go" He smiles at me and hold me tighter as we make our way out of this crowded party.


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