Chapter Fifty-One

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My body fall stiff. Every bone begged to move but it was as though my heart held them captured. You could a faint noise as my lips parted from each other yet nothing came out.

I turned my body slowly letting my eyes follow along until it finds Chris. He stands alone. Eyes soft holding the sparkle that I am so used to. His skin so pale in contrast with his dark demeanor. He looks different from what I saw a second ago when we were arguing.

He looks so Vulnerable. This is a Chris I've never experienced. Exhaling a deep breath I shake my head slowly in disappear.

As much as I want those words to soak in I can't. I'm not his and he is not mine.

"Chris," I beg hoping that I am wrong. He walks a little closer to me closing the gap between him and I

His breath so sharp and heavy I can tell he is scared. Looking down I continue shaking my head and push his body away from me.

With every muscle begging me to leave as I feel the space between us become smaller. Gulping the growing ball in my throat I look at the ground.

"No, I'm with Ad-" my voice breaks. I don't dare to look back up at Chris. I'm scared if I do I won't be able to continue what I need to say.

"Don't." He says stopping me from continuing. "Don't say you're with him when it's obvious that you don't want him." I don't even try to argue with him. I let his voice fade as I don't break contact with the pale wall behind him.

"You want me." His voice so low I feel my bones tremble. I don't know what I want anymore.

I shake my head again. I know that if I say something it won't sound convincing enough.

"Fine. Tell me right here right now that you don't want me and I'll leave. I won't fight for you, I won't be in your life. Just say it and I'm gone." I finally lift my head and my eyes flutter before meeting with the emerald one.

My head races and I feel my heart work twice as hard. I watch as Chris eyes search mine waiting for an answer. Biting on my bottom lip feel myself falling back to into the dark hole that is his orbs.

He has no idea how much I want him. I want out lips to connect to light  the sparks inside my turning stomach. I want this burning feeling I have when I'm near him to take a hold of me. He is the last person I think about at night, and he is the first person I want to see in the morning. He has no idea what effect he has on me.

But this isn't a novel and sometimes people don't get want. Sometimes people get what is best for them and what is best for me is not him.

"I can't. I'm with Adam."

And with those words, I am left in an empty room with nothing but my thoughts.

I stand alone in a room normally filled with desk and chair yet with my head spinning wild the room feels empty. My heart is broken by a person who isn't even mine.

 My heart is broken by a person who isn't even mine

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