Chapter Four

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The clock ticks down as the last few seconds of the class remain. Students start to pack up their belongings but the teacher yells at them saying that they should be listening to every last word she is saying.

The loud ring of the bell fills the classroom indicating that the students are now able to pack up and head to the next class. Noora stands up as I only now begin to put away my laptop and books.

"I'll see you at lunch?" She ask

I nod while stretching my legs to finally standing up. As I stand, my legs shake a little due to the fact that sitting for 1 hour in a weird crossed position which only made my legs fall asleep.

I head towards the door and say my goodbyes to Noora, strolling through the hallways I hold my laptop in my grip. Reaching my locker I begin to put my novel in and take out my biology textbook, shoving them in my bag I look at my wrist watch and smile knowing that I have plenty of time to get to my bio class.

We all have 15 minutes to get from class to class, which usually enough time unless you're at the other side of the school, but usually teachers can be understanding about that.

Walking into the class I notice that  Chris is not seated next to me and is nowhere to be seen. I feel some relief realising that maybe todays class I wont be so distracted by the things he says under his breath.

As I take a seat I lay out my binder and open it ready to write my notes for the day. I also lay out my biology textbook and opening it to the page we was last on. The glossy front of the book shines against the light and the heavy pages combine to make the binder look bulky.

I glance around the room to see students coming in taking their seats, moving my attention back to the front of the room I see a smirking Chris walk into the room talking to his friends. He laughs at what they are saying while brushing through his chocolate brown hair. He glances my direction and our eyes connect.

I quickly look down awkwardly trying to resume to what I was doing and do my best to make it not look obvious that I was just staring at him.

Chris comes behind me and I feel his warm breath on my neck as he whispers something in my ear.

"You know staring is rude" he whispers and I shuffle in my seat.

"I wasn't staring at you, I was merely scanning the room and my eyes just happened to land on you " I spat and he laughs while taking a seat next to me.

"So I heard that you're in a new bus?" he says and I grudgingly turn my attention over to him.

"You don't seem like the type of girl to join a bus" he snapped, I roll my eyes and flick through the pages in the textbook turning my attention back to my book.

"You don't know what 'type' of girl I am" I hissed.

I don't know how hes already making assumptions about me. I've known him all of 5 minutes and probably shared maybe 3 sentences between us.

"Well, I'd love to get to know." He teases and roll my eyes once again.

The teacher walks in with a big smile on her face, she begins to teach the class and I try to listen, but Chris continues to make conversation with me.

"There's a penetrator party this Friday at mine, come and bring your bus too" he invites and I a turn my attention back over to him.

I watch as he brushes his hair with his fingertips raising his eyebrow waiting for an answer.

"No thanks " I lie.

I know We're supposed to get invited to as many parties as possible so we can become more popular and known.

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