Chapter Thirty-Two

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Biology assessment

Shoving my heavy books into the tightly fitted locker I attempt to balance the coffee on one hand and my text books in the other.

Tilting my books to fit while trying to balance my bag that has now decided to come off my shoulder and onto my arm I sighing I watch as one of my books slowly fall out of my hand and onto the ground.

Giving up trying to do this is in a tidy matter I shove my books in. Why can't we have big lockers, they seem so much easier than having a space like a small box to fit everything in.

Just as I was about to bend down and grab the book that got away I see that Chris is now next to me with it in his hands.

"Thanks," I smile and turn back to my locker to try to make some space for my chemistry book.

"So is Vilde okay?" He asks, closing the metal door I nod.

"Yeahh, yeah" I croaked trying to seem normal.

"I mean yes, she just passed out from drinking too much. She'll be okay" I say somewhat convincing. Smirking he leans against the lockers and runs his fingers through his hair.

"So yours or mine?" Stitching my eyebrows together I wonder what Chris is going on about.

"The group biology assessment, that was the excuse you made up to why we were in the storage room. Who's house are we doing it at? Yours or mine? "

Rolling my eyes I begin to walk away, but Chris being Chris begins to follow next to me.

"You do know that's fake?" I remind him which causes him to laugh to himself.

"Yeah, but in order for people to believe us we must go through with the plan. So who's house? Yours or mine? " Stopping in my tracks I exhale.

"Fine. yours." I say giving in. Smiling he nods happily.

"Good meet me at my car after school... and here is my number, just in case you need it." He winked before walking away with a smirk plastered on his face. Smiling at the ground I look down at the piece of paper he handed me.

It read:

For the biology assessment ;)

with his number written on the bottom. Folding it I roll my eyes playfully. I couldn't help but feel a little excited. Who knows what's going on in Chris small head of his.

Vilde sits scared in her chair as we all stand around her. Doctor Skrulle sits across from her and waits as Vilde stalls.

She plays with her hand and avoids eye contact. Her words are mumbled and she try's to let out the words but her mouth won't let her.

"She pregnant." Noora blurts out unexpectedly and we all give her surprises stares.

Looking back at the doctor slowly she awkwardly smiles.

"Oh, I see so we'll need to get you a blood test to make sure you are." She says as she types things in the computer.

I'm not even sure what she is typing on the computer. I'll admit she an odd woman and I don't know how she got her doctor degree. Some of the things she says cause my eyes to pop out.

"I actually took a test" Vilde explains before she rummages through her bag to find the stick she showed us.

"Look see," she says handing doctor skrulle the stick with two clear bars on it.

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