[Angst] Scream My Name ~ North Italy X Reader

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[Warning: Mature themes ahead. Slight Graphic Scenes, Implied Torture, Mature Language and Implied Smut.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I skipped down the road as I headed to Italy's place. He had invited me for dinner which was gonna be pasta, no doubt. It was a big gathering. Well... Kinda. Germany, Prussia and Japan were gonna be there too. We were all good friends. They all knew of my... Feelings for Italy. I couldn't help it.

I smiled as I remember how we first met. Both of us young nations. Our physical age was probably 15 years. I was under Spain's ruling along with Romano, Italy's brother. Spain and Romano often took trips to see Italy and Romano dragged me along one day. Romano introduced me to Italy and that's how it all started. I didn't see much of Italy when I was young because I had to help Spain and Romano. A lot of things happened until I gained my independence around the 1700's. After that, I visited the two Italians as much as I could. Now I met with them almost everyday.

I found myself at Italy's door, knocking. The door soon swung open to reveal Italy grinning widely. "Itain!! You made it!" Cheered Italy as he tackled me into a hug. I blushed as I chuckled at his antics. "Of course I did!" I said as I hugged back. He let me go and pulled me in while closing the door. "The food is almost ready! Just wait with the others!" Said Italy excitedly as he pulled me to the living room before letting go to run to the kitchen. I smiled as I watched him go. "Kesesese!" I turned to see Prussia grinning knowingly at me. I puffed my cheeks. "Shut it Prussia." I said, avoiding his eyes. "I haven't said anything yet Itain~" Teased Prussia. I glared at the Prussian. "Maybe it isn't best to remind Itain-san of her affections towards Italy-san." Said Japan calmly. "He knows Japan. He just wants wind me up." I said glaring at Prussia. I calmed down and turned to Japan. "And Japan. There is no need for such honorifics. We're friends!" I said. Japan bowed. "Forgive me." He said. I smiled. "It's fine Japan. No need to bow and all." I said. Japan nodded. "Hey Itain..." Said Prussia in a teasing manner. "What is it?" I asked calmly. "When are you gonna tell Italy that you-" Prussia wasn't able to finish his sentence as I punched him. In the face. "Ow! What was that for?!" Exclaimed Prussia. "You know why." I said glaring at him. He whined. "Well you didn't have to hit so hard!" Whined Prussia. I rolled my eyes. "Oh don't be such a baby. I didn't hit you that hard." I retorted. "West! Itain punched me in the face!" Whined Prussia. "Probably for good reason Dummkopf." Said Germany uninterested. I grinned as Prussia whined. "Geez you hit hard Fräulein!" Complained Prussia. I snickered. "Food is ready!" Called Italy.

We all headed into the dinning room where Italy was waiting, plates of food for us all already sitting on the table. Surprisingly it was a mix of food from all our cultures. "I hope I cooked everything correctly! I really wanted to make dinner for us all in a way to show our friendship!" Stated Italy smiling brightly. I smiled and hugged Italy. "This is amazing Italy!" I said happily. "Hai. I agree." Said Japan. "Ja. This is very thoughtful Italy." Said Germany. "Kesesese! It's awesome!" Said Prussia. I let him go and Italy beamed a smile at us all. "Let's eat! Don't want it to go cold now!" Said Italy enthusiastically.

We ate happily and chatted about how our countries were getting along. Afterwards, We all helped Italy clean and put away the dishes. I had been washing a plate when the unthinkable happened. Pain struck my entire body as I dropped the plate before collapsing to the floor. "Itain!" I felt warm hands grab my forearms as I fell to my knees. My vision blurred as I looked around. The lights too bright for a moment as white noise filled my head. "...ian... Ita... Itain... Itain... Itain!" I blinked as my vision cleared to show my friends surrounding me. I looked to my side to see who was holding me to find Italy looking at me worried. I was about to say something however instead I gasped and whimpered, pain striking me again. I tried to think to see what was wrong. All I could think was war. I could hear it. Screams of my people. I could smell sulfur and smoke. "Ra... Radio..." I croaked out. They all looked at me confused. "Check the radio! My people! They're in danger!" I yelled. Japan rushed over to the counter where a radio was kept. Japan twisted the knobs until a voice was heard. "Itain has been attack. I repeat, Itain has been attack. Another nation has declared war against Itain." Said the person through the radio. We all froze. I frantically stumbled back on my feet. "They need me! My people! I've got to go!" I yelled before running out the kitchen. It wasn't until I was in the living room before I collapsed again, screaming bloody murder. "Itain!" Yelled Italy as he ran over to me. "They've bombed one of Itain's cities! Thankfully not her capital." Said Germany running into the living room. Italy helped me sit up despite the pain. I swore in my mother tongue. "If they want war then they can get war. I am not going down without a fight- Ah!" I cried out. "Please calm down. We're gonna get you back to your place and you will have backup." Said Italy calmly but worried. "Backup?" I said. "Sì. If me and my Fratello can have any say in this, you will not go out there without our help!" Said Italy. "Wh-what... No Italy-" "Same here. You'll need back up. You're strong but they're stronger. My troops will help you." Said Germnay sternly. "N-no... You don't..." "Hai! My people will help as well!" Said Japan walking in. "Ja! Same here! Both West and East is behind you in this fight!" Said Prussia walking in too. I covered my open mouth with my hand. "Guys.. Thank you." I whispered. I was so blessed to have such good friends.

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