[Fluff] Tu peux me voir? ~ Canada X Reader

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Note: Human Au & Soulmate Au

[Warning: Slight Mature Language]

(Y/n)'s POV

Tu peux me voir?

When someone is born, words tattoo across their wrist. The words are the first words they'll hear from their soulmate. The colour it is in determines whether or not if their soulmate is platonic or romantic. Yellow for platonic and Purple for romantic. When someone meets their soulmate, the writing turns white. When their soulmate dies, the writing turns black and new writing appears on the other wrist.

Mine was purple.

The writing itself however is another thing. It'll be the language that their soulmate will say it in. Usually it's in their first language.

Mine spoke French. So I learnt French. Luckily I had a friend called Francis who was French that taught me. When I found out what the words said, I was saddened yet at that moment, a determination strong to shock myself filled me. I would make sure they were loved and never alone again.

I always looked at the writing when I felt insecure or unmotivated. It gave me a sense of hope that I could be someone even if that was only to one person.

Slowly, I had already fallen for someone I never knew. They were my comfort in the storm without even knowing.


"Oh no! I'm going to be late for my class!"

I was late. Horribly late.

I ran down the hall. I was late for my class in History of Professional Cookery.

I was in University to follow my dream of becoming a chef with the help of Francis. He was like a big brother to me and was enthusiastic when I expressed that I would be going to University to continue my passion of food.

Francis was a a certified Chef and was slightly older than me. We'd met in high school and hit off as great friends with our passion to cook. He'd taught me after he had finished University and I was finishing High school.

Anyway, let's get back to the bigger picture right now. I AM LATE!

I sped down the hall before suddenly slamming into someone. I yelped as I fell backwards, my bag falling off my shoulder to the ground. The person grabbed my hand as I fell and pulled me back up before I had touched the ground. I squeaked as I fell into a sturdy chest. I gripped the clothing in front of me in surprise and for support. My eyes closed as I had been ready to hit the ground.

"I'm so sorry! I never meant to-to-to...."

I trailed off as I opened my eyes and looked up to stare at the most captivating violet eyes I had ever seen. My saviour blinked in surprise.

"Tu peux me voir?"

He had the softest voice... My heart started beating faster as I recognised those words. My eyes widened.

"Bien sûr que je peux vous voir."

His eyes widened as he recognised those words. He looked at my wrist where my writing had turned white. He quickly looked at his wrist which had also white written on it. We blushed as we stared at each other.

"I-I... I'm Matthew." Said My soulmate. "I'm (Y/n)." I squeaked. My blush darkened as I took in the sight of him. He had wavy blond hair with a curl at the front, violet eyes that were covered by round-ish glasses. He was wearing a red hoodie that had a white maple leaf on it.

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