[Fluff] Rebellion Romance ~ Germany X Reader

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Notes: Nyotalia! Also Soulmate Au!

[Warning: War, Terror and Blood mentioned]

(Y/n)'s POV
I sat on the swing that My older sister Spain had put up on the tree outside the house, next to the tomato garden. I stared at the open sea and sky. Blue. So beautifully blue. I could only see the colour blue. Those were the eyes of my soulmate. I asked my sister why I could only see blue and she said when I meet my soulmate, I would see other colours. She said the first time skin contact is made is when colours burst to life though she only knew from the civilians telling her. She had yet to meet hers. I sighed dreamily. Their eyes must be such a beautiful shade of blue.

"Hermanita! Are you out here?"

My sister walked out and smiled at me. "Staring at the sea again?" She asked, even though she knew the answer. I nodded. She chuckled. "Well why don't you come in for now. I'm going to have a guest here soon and I'd like you to meet them." Said Spain. "Okay." I said. I was quiet but that was normal for me. She smiled softly. I took her hand as we walked back indoors and to the living room. I sat down and Spain patted my head affectionately. I smiled.

A knock soon resonated through the house. Spain bounded out the living room to the door and opened it. "Amiga! It's so nice to see you!" Exclaimed Spain. "Kesesese. Nice to see you too." Greeted the stranger. "Come in! I want you to meet my Hermanita!" Exclaimed Spain. I heard the door close. I got off the chair as Spain and the guest walked into the room. "Come here Hermanita. I want you to meet my Amiga." Said Spain as she held out her hand. I walked over to her and took her hand as I stared shyly at the woman beside her. "This is Prussia. Prussia, meet my little sister Itain." Introduced Spain. "Hola." I said softly. I was immediately transfixed on her blue coat. "Hey There Kleiner." Said Prussia grinning. I reached out and grabbed the corner of her coat. "Azul." I mumbled. Prussia looked at Spain confused. "Huh?" "Blue. Your coat is blue. She loves blue." Chuckled Spain. "Prussian blue." I said. Prussia grinned. "I have a colour named after me?" Asked Prussia. "Hermanita often names different blues according to what she sees it on first." Said Spain as she picked me up in her arms. "Sky blue, Ocean blue and Prussian blue." I listed. Prussia chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Well you haven't seen them all. My little sister's national flowers are blue according to Old Fritz." Said Prussia. My eyes lit up. "Really?" I said softly. Prussia nodded. "Ja. Cornflowers." "I want to see them." I whispered almost entranced by the idea. I hadn't ever seen blue flowers before. "I don't think so Hermanita. You aren't leaving my side and we can't leave my land at the moment remember?" Said Spain almost sorrowfully. "Oh okay." I said. She sighed and frowned. "I'm sorry." Said Spain softly. "I can see them another time." I said. Spain nodded and I lay my head down on her shoulder. "I would try and bring some but they would die before getting here." Said Prussia rubbing the back of her neck. "That's okay." I said.

"Actually on the fact at how we're stuck here, I need to talk to you Prussia. It's important." Said Spain. She put me down gently. "You go run and play outside Hermanita." I nodded and skipped outside to the swing.

It wasn't long when I noticed the sun going down so I headed back inside. I slowed down to a stop when I heard my sister and Prussia talking. I peeked around the corner and watched the exchange between the two.

"Prussia, please. England's trying to take over Itain's land and I'm struggling to fight off her forces. You've got to help me in anyway." Begged Spain, her hands clasped together tightly in front of her. "Look Spain, I'm sorry. I can't help you much this time. I have to protect my little sister Germany right now too. I'll send some aid but that's all I can do." Said Prussia putting a comforting hand on Spain's shoulder. "That's all I could ask from you. Thank you." Choked out Spain in slight relief as she hugged Prussia. Prussia hugged the shaking nation back. Spain pulled back and my eyes widened as I noticed the tear stains on her cheeks. "Does she know?" Asked Prussia. Spain shook her head. "She's been getting random pains and night terrors from England trying to invade her land but I haven't told her yet. I'm hoping I won't have to..." Hiccuped Spain. Everything seemed to click in my head instantly. I turned away from the corner and leaned against the wall. I'm getting invaded. "You really should tell her the truth." "I know. I just want to protect her from the harshness of the world."

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