[Fluff] Beautiful Belgium ~ Belgium X Reader

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Notes: Soulmate Au!

[Warning: Romano's swearing]

(Y/n)'s POV
I sat in a Café with my brothers, Veneziano and Romano. I chewed my bottom lip as I thought about my soulmate. I hope it was a girl. I hope my soulmate likes sweet things. Ooh I hope they like my cooking. Oh I hope they are mature. I need someone mature unlike Veneziano and Romano. The hyper and grouchy can get a bit too much sometimes. Mature is good. But cheerful too! I hope they- "Hey Sorella! What're you thinking about? You look all dazed!" Asked Veneziano. I blushed. "Just thinking about who my soulmate might be..." I sighed, looking at my palm and the sun tattoo that was my soulmate mark. It's embarrassing having my soulmate mark on my palm because every time I say hi to people, I raise my hand. So everyone sees it. It was a habit.

Veneziano's was an infinity sign that was outside on his wrist. His Soulmate was Germany. It'd been a shock when we all found out Germany had the same mark on his palm due to us all thinking Veneziano's soulmate was dead. But from Veneziano's memories and some explaining from Prussia, we found out Germany had been Veneziano's soulmate all along and used to be the Holy Roman Empire. Tears had been in the situation too.

Romano's was on the inside of his wrist and was bull horns. We'd found out who his was when were young nations. Romano had came running to me and Veneziano, babbling in Italian. It had been Spain but said nation had no idea. Romano had found out when tending to the wounds on Spain's back to see an identical mark of bull horns on the back of the nation's neck. Romano had kept his soulmate mark hidden for years until when we all were much older before he accidentally revealed his soulmate mark when he fell during ice skating and scraped his palm. Spain was with us and rushed to the Italian's aid, checking the minor wound only to find out Romano was his soulmate.

I was the only one out of us three not to have found their soulmate.

"They better not be annoying..." Huffed Romano. Veneziano and I chuckled. "Anyway, Tomato bastard is meeting us here with his friend and he's fucking late." Huffed Romano, slumping into his seat. "Aw Roma, you're so cute when you miss me." Teased Spain as he snuck up behind the chair. Romano jumped. "What the hell! Screw you!" Cursed Romano at Spain. "And don't call me Roma!" Veneziano giggled at Romano's antics.

"Hey Spain. Who's the ragazza?" I asked, leaning on my arms on the table. A dirty blonde woman stood next to him. A red ribbon was in her shoulder length hair. She was wearing a similar uniform as Spain, the only main difference being it buttoned up fully and a red tie. Dear lord she was cute and hot. "Oh this is Belgium! Belgium, I don't think you've met Romano and Italy's sister! This is Itain!" Introduced Spain. I smiled at Belgium and she smiled back. "Hey Belgium! I'm Itain! Nice to meet you!" I greeted as I waved my hand slightly. Her face soon reddened as she looked at my hand. "Hey! Nice to meet you! I'm so glad to finally meet my soulmate!" She giggled. My eyes widened as I fell out my chair in shock.

"W-wait what!"

Time Skip
I sighed happily as I lay on the couch with Belgium in my arms, sleeping peacefully. I gazed at her sun tattoo on her collar. I was so glad she was my soulmate. I kissed her temple softly and hugged her a little more.

My brothers tumbled in the room loudly, the two arguing what dinner should be. Pasta or Pizza. I frowned as Belgium shifted in my arms, almost waking. "Veneziano! Romano! Quiet! You'll wake Belgium!" I hissed at my brothers. They froze, as they hadn't noticed me. Romano sighed and nodded. Veneziano nodded hastily before silently cooing at the sight. I sighed. "And for that argument, let's have both." I said, settling the argument once and for all. The two looked at each other and nodded. "I'll start the pizza." Muttered Romano. "And I'll start making the pasta!" Squealed Veneziano loudly. "Ssh!" I hissed but I was too late. Belgium groaned slightly as her eyes fluttered open to look at me. "Hi." Greeted Belgium tiredly. I smiled softly at her. "Hey there. Was that a nice nap? Sorry Veneziano woke you." I said, glaring slightly at my brother. "Sorry!" Squeaked Veneziano before rushing off to the kitchen, Romano following after him. "It's alright. I had a nice nap. Sorry for falling asleep on you." Said Belgium. I chuckled. "It's fine. You looked so peaceful I couldn't bring myself to move you in fear you would wake." I admitted. She giggled. "Hey do you want to stay for dinner? My brothers are bound to make too much food for sure. Pasta and Pizza are what we're having." I said. "I'd love to. Though it won't compare to your cooking." Said Belgium. I blushed. "They are both better cooks than me." I said embarrassed. She smiled. "Maybe but that doesn't mean your cooking is bad. I love it." She said. I smiled flustered. "I'm glad you do. Yours is great too." I said. She smiled. "Yours is better. I'm only good at baking." "You're baking is amazing but it's not the only thing you're good at!" She giggled at my loud response and I blushed. "Oh? Well tell me one thing you are certain that I'm good at." Teased Belgium. I smiled knowing what I would say. "You're the best at loving me that's always going to be true." I said softly. She blushed and smiled. "I can say the same about you." Said Belgium. I chuckled and kissed her cheek.

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