[Fluff] Closeted Compassion ~ North Italy X Reader

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Notes: NYOTALIA! Also Modern Au!

[Warning: Mature Language and Implied Sex.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I took a deep breath as I followed my friend Carmen down the road. "I can't believe you finally agreed to come with me to the club!" Exclaimed Carmen. "Yeah well you know I'm not out to my family. What if a family friend sees me walk into a gay bar and tells my family?" I said, my voice slightly hushed. "Aw don't worry! It'll be fine!" Said Carmen leading me to the doors of the gay bar. I gulped as I walked in with her. I followed her through the dancing bodies to the bar.

"Hey Francine!" Greeted Carmen to the barmaid. "Bonjour! Who's your friend?" Said Francine. "This is (Y/n)! The one I'd been trying to coax into here!" Introduced Carmen. I waved slightly. Francine smiled warmly at me. "Ah the girl called (Y/n) that you said wouldn't come here since she hasn't came out?" Asked Francine. Carmen nodded. "Come here dear." Said Francine to me. I stepped closer to the bar. She reached forward and took my hand gently with both her hands. "Now, I know you're probably very anxious. Especially since you're still closeted. Don't you worry. Everyone here is very accepting. If some isn't, then we kick them out." Said Francine in a motherly tone. I smiled sheepishly. "Thank you." I said. She smiled. "Also, I'm sure, if you want to come out, the ones who have came out including us can give you any tips. You don't have to come out. But don't be afraid to ask. Also, if something happens if you do, just you call Carmen or come down to the bar. We'll be there for you." Said Francine. "Thank you Francine." I said softly. She smiled and patted my hand. She pulled back. "Now, I'll give you my number or Carmen will but I got to shoot off and serve some people. I'll be back to serve you two. It's on the house for the newcomer." Said Francine winking before she headed down the bar. "See! Not so bad! Francine is really nice! She likes to think of herself as a mother to closeted people. Especially when they are younger." Said Carmen. "Yeah she is nice."

"Now! Let's go mingle! I've got my eye on that stubborn Italian chick." Said Carmen, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the girl down the bar. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "You really pick 'em don't you?" I joked. "Chiara again?" Teased Francine as she picked up the conversation as she got back from serving. "Not my fault she has such slender legs that I'd love to have wrap around my head while I-" "Okay okay! I get the picture!" I squeaked, covering my blushing face. Francine chuckled. "Aw c'mon! I'm just being honest! Hasn't anyone caught your eye yet?" Asked Carmen. I shrugged. "Well why don't you try and chat her up then. I'll stay here at the bar. I'm sure Francine can help me if anything arises." I said sitting down. "You sure?" Said Carmen. "Don't worry mon amie! I'll keep an eye on her! You try and chat up Chiara the Cheetah!" Said Francine. I gave Carmen a reassuring smile and she smiled. "Okay! Wish me luck!"

I sighed as Carmen skipped away. "Here's your drink. Gay Delights. Don't worry it isn't too strong. It's my drink I give to all the newcomers." Said Francine, sliding down a fruity looking drink. I smiled shyly. "Thank you." I said taking a sip. "So can I ask a couple of questions?" Asked Francine. I nodded, feeling comfortable with the French woman. "Well I have 2 questions. I hope they aren't too personal." Said Francine. "Don't worry. Carmen probably knows stuff about me that I don't even know." I said casually drinking a bit of the drink every so often. Francine chuckled. "Okay then. One. Sexual orientation? I'm curious what you ID as. And Two. Why haven't you came out?" Said Francine. "Well I'm gay. And I haven't came out since I'm scared my family will disown me and kick me out on the streets since I'm still living with them as I'm in university at the moment. Though we're on break." I said. "I see. Well if they do kick you out, just come to the bar as I said. The bar is open 24/7 though at night it turns into a club." Said Francine. "I'm sure if anything you can stay with me or Carmen." Reassured Francine. "Thanks Francine. I'm already starting to feel like I fit in here. At least a little bit." I said. Francine grinned and chuckled. "Good. Now I'm going to go serve some people now. Just call me if you need me." Said Francine. I nodded and she headed down the bar again.

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