[Fluff] Family Funtimes ~ GerIta X Reader [Part 2/3]

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Notes: You're the daughter of Germany and Italy! You're physically a teenager now.

[Warning: Swearing and mention of Homophobic laws]

(Y/n)'s POV
I huffed as I did press ups. I was physically a teen and I was doing my training in my free time. My interests were cooking, training, my family, books, gardening, drawing and pranks. Probably quite obvious that my quirky family had influenced me some bit.

"197... 198... 199... 200!" I huffed and got up. I had matured much like a normal human as my government had gotten sorted out with help from my Papà Italy and Vati Germany... Well almost like a human. Just a little slower than usual.

I walked out of the training room and headed to the kitchen. Papà was making lunch and Vati was out since his boss wanted to see him. Onkel Gilbert was with him though Gilbird was flying around in the house.

"Ciao Papà." I greeted as I grabbed a glass.

"Ciao (Y/n). Have you been training again?" Asked Papà. "Sì. I have Papà. I got bored." I said. He chuckled. "You may have some of my physical attributes but you certainly have your Vati's mentality to training." Chuckled Papà. I smiled as I filled the glass up with water. "Yeah I guess I do." I said. I took a sip of water before propping myself up on the counter.

"Hey Papà?" "Sì?" "Why is it that I took both yours and Vati's last names while you two aren't married? I remember how I told you but I can't seemed to figure out how." I said. "Hmm, Well you know how you inherited my curl and your Vati's eyes, my cooking skills and your Vati's determination? It's a little like that. You must have grown a connection to us so quickly that subconsciously you took both despite us not being married. Well that's my little theory. You never know!" Said Papà. I nodded.

"Papà... Will you and Vati ever get married?" His hand was hesitated for a moment. "I don't know. I would like to because I love your Vati very much. And his government just legalised it but..." Papà sighed and stopped cooking for a moment. "We have talked about it. It's just because my government haven't done so yet. Some nations might think it's because Ludwig is too nervous to propose or something but he does want it. Even if he never openly expresses it. We've talked about it before. Even before you were a part of our lives. It's me that's stopping it. How do I explain it..."

"Papà?" He looked upset. "There's many reasons why we live with your Vati at his place instead of mine. Legally, you can't be our daughter at my place unfortunately. Either mine or Ludwig's. You couldn't legally be allowed both. Ludwig and I can have a civil union that has many things that marriage has but not all. Because of my government being so stubborn with old views with marriage, it's made me hesitant. Not because I don't want to, but instead because my boss would ultimately have to know." Sighed Papà. I frowned.

"That's unfair." "I know. But everyone has that bit in their government which is a bit stubborn to change. Surely it's changing but very slowly." Said Papà. "Papà, why would your boss have to know?" "You know I can't lie. I'm a terrible liar even if I try." Chuckled Papà. "Papà, you can still get married here. Civil Union in your place until it's legal." I said. He smiled, his mood starting to lift again. "I've been thinking about that. I wish I could marry him in both of our places straight away but I know that won't be for a while. Don't tell your Vati though. I'm still thinking my way through it." "Okay!" He chuckled.

"It would be nice to be recognised as a family like humans..." Sighed Papà dreamily. I giggled and he focused back on his cooking with a smile.

The dogs wandered into the kitchen and I smiled.

"Hey Berlitz, Blackie, Aster." I said. Aster barked and the three were sniffing about. Papà stiffened noticing the same thing I noticed. They could smell the food and I knew they wanted it.

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